Welcome to the alphabet gang, Wayne Brady! In an interview with People, the Let’s Make a Deal host shared that after much soul searching, he has come to identify most closely with the term pansexual. “I couldn’t say if I was bisexual, because I had to really see what that was, especially because I really have not gotten a chance to act on anything. So, I came to pansexual because — and I know that I’m completely messing up the dictionary meaning — but to me, pan means being able to be attracted to anyone who identifies as gay, straight, bi, transsexual or non-binary,” he said. “I took pan to mean that not only can I be attracted to any of these people or types physically, but I could be attracted to the person that is there.” Brady first came out to his ex-wife, Mandie Taketa. “I just said, ‘Great,’” she says. “As I knew coming out would help him be happier.” Their daughter was completely chill about Brady’s coming out. “I just said, ‘Okay,’” she told People.
Brady said that he started on this journey to live more authentically after Robin Williams’s death, which made him confront his own self-knowledge or lack thereof. This public announcement is a first step, and Brady asserted that he’s not looking to couple up anytime soon. “I am single,” Brady said, “but it’s not about being with someone right now. I’ve got some work to do still. Then, Wayne as a single, open-minded pansexual can make a decision and be free and open to other people.”