Strike’s over, time to get back to our regularly scheduled stream of reboots. After 146 days of the WGA strike, the WGA and the AMPTP reached a tentative agreement on September 24, and, in a post-streaming world, that obviously means bringing back any television program that people already like. Next on the docket is reportedly every Gen Z’s favorite Netflix show that actually aired on NBC, The Office — Billie Eilish must be screaming. Greg Daniels, creator of the U.S. version of The Office, is currently “set to do a reboot,” per Puck. Little is known beyond the fact of its existence, so best believe we have questions. Does it include the original cast returning or would it just be a new show, also set in an office? Actors like Steve Carell (who had already left the show by the time it ended) and John Krasinski seem unlikely to return, but Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey currently run an Office-themed podcast, so they might be down. Honestly, though, everybody knows all they need to get the people onboard is to bring back Creed.