Well, let’s get this out of the way first: Joan Baez did not sleep with Jane Fonda’s first husband, the director Roger Vadim. Baez slips this into the middle of their conversation for Interview magazine, ostensibly about Baez’s new documentary I Am a Noise but actually just about the artist-activists’ mutual love for each other. And really, it sounds like Fonda was the one into Baez anyway. “I was making gazpacho and you came in,” Fonda recounted of the first time she met the singer-songwriter. “I couldn’t believe it. I was just gobsmacked. You took my hand and you said, ‘You have such beautiful hands.’ I thought I was going to pass out. I thought you were the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen.” Anyone else remembering the hands scene with PJ and Brittany from Bottoms?
These days, though, both women admit they’re not looking for much sex. “I’m so glad I’m single,” said Fonda, who’s been married three times. “I’ve been with guys all my life, either married or almost married, and I’m just so glad that I live alone and I can do whatever I want.” But if they wanted to change their minds … well, let’s let the women take it from here:
FONDA: If I was to sleep with somebody, it would have to be someone very young. I mean, like in their 20s.
BAEZ: Hey, let’s hear it.
FONDA: Yeah. Old guys sometimes start to flirt with me, and it’s, “I’m sorry, but—”
BAEZ: I’m sorry, too. I was always about cheekbones, very young, so now it’s all coming out.
Hey, if Al Pacino can do it!