Of all people who take Vanity Fair’s lie detector, Julia Fox would know how to confuse a polygraph. (For those who need to know: you put a thumbtack in your shoe and give yourself a little ouchie during the initial calibration questions.) Fox copped to loving Keeping Up With the Kardashians, and Kim in particular. Also ball-busting. The first lie VF caught her on was huge: that’s not her real voice. But, to answer a question with a question: what even is someone’s real voice? To be a woman is to perform, after all. Fox said she maybe slips into a sexy baby voice to disarm people. “You know, whether it’s the baby voice or the like damsel in distress, it’s kind of a defense mechanism so that I’ll be taken care of,” she continued. “I think it’s subconscious though. I don’t think I even realize when I’m doing it. It just happens.”