“Do you feel chronic existential dread but love talking about delicious snacks?” If this describes you (and I mean, who doesn’t this describe?) then Chelsea Peretti wants you to give her a call, because she’s bringing back her dearly departed comedy podcast, Call Chelsea Peretti. The original glorious run of the podcast, affectionately called CCP (unrelated to the Chinese Communist Party), published regular eps from 2012-2015 with occasional spurts of episodic brilliance from 2016-2020, with Peretti fielding phone calls from bewildered fans, droppin’ more sick sound effects than a hundred morning zoos, and expressing a love for Wolf Blitzer and deadly hate for common household bugs.
In CCP’s new and improved edition on iHeartMedia and Will Ferrell’s Big Money Players Podcast Network, episodes will drop weekly every Thursday beginning November 9, and they’ll have an added element of intrigue: Listeners’ questions and concerns will be addressed by actual experts. We’re talking “a Tahoe bear-attack survivor, a couple that transformed their lawn into a vibrant wildflower garden, and a shocking episode on geese attacks, making a compelling case that geese might just be the most dangerous creatures on the planet.” In a trailer for the relaunch, you can get a taste of these topics, as well as some A+ opening-a-bag-of-pretzels-directly-into-the-mic sounds.
“I’m thrilled to join the Big Money Players network. I never ran ads on my original podcast, so I’m beyond excited to share my take on corporate sponsorship with my fans,” said Peretti in an official artist’s statement regarding the relaunch.
The podcast is returning at a pivotal time in Peretti’s career. Earlier this year, she made her feature directorial debut with First Time Female Director, a comedy about a fictional community-theater production called Rain’s Comin’ In. Peretti first performed the fake melodrama in 2017 as a reading at UCB, which was recorded for an episode of the podcast. Full circle, y’know? If you seek Peretti’s directorial wisdom, or just have a third type of animal attack to discuss in addition to the aforementioned bears and geese, you can leave a voicemail at 213-789-7589 or follow @callchelseaperetti on Instagram and TikTok if you’d rather call in live.