mama mia

Mama Cass Makes Her Own Kind of (Movie Soundtrack) Music on SNL

Make Your Own Kind of Music” by Cass Elliot has become a staple in movie soundtracks and trailers as of late, and Saturday Night Live has taken notice. In a sketch featuring footage of the song’s recording, Mama Cass, played by SNL’s new resident vocalist Chloe Troast, gets notes from prescient producer Mitch Lester (Emma Stone). “This song’s gonna be everywhere, Mama. And then everyone’s gonna forget about it for a long, long time … But in about 40, 50 years, I think it’s gonna start showing up in a bunch of movies. It’s a perfect song to go under a slow-mo montage where the main characters snaps and goes on a rampage.” Naturally, Mama Cass doesn’t quite understand the connection, so Mitch has her sing the song again while he demonstrates a character fighting in a zombie apocalypse as it plays. “I think people in the future are really gonna love that juxtaposition.” They even take on the trend of slowing down an upbeat song for an eerie trailer, instructing Cass to sing it like a “haunted child.” Not onboard with the direction these producers are taking her song, the sketch fittingly ends with Mama Cass going on a rampage of her own set to “Make Your Own Kind of Music.”

Mama Cass Makes Her Own Kind of (Soundtrack) Music on SNL