ethans 2024

Forget the Oscars, Bowen Yang Announces the ‘Ethan Awards’ on SNL

Upset about this year’s Oscar snubs? Fear not, there’s a new alternative. Bowen Yang took to Weekend Update on this week’s Saturday Night Live as “A Guy Named Ethan” to share his take on this year’s films. “I actually started my own awards show, for movies that really amused me, Ethan!” he said, before announcing this year’s nominees:

Best Performance That Reminded Ethan of Moments From Ethan’s Past
Bradley Cooper Marrying a Woman — Maestro
Paul Giamatti’s Eye Condition — The Holdovers
The Chickens Building a Fort — Chicken Run: Dawn of the Nugget

Movie Moment That Made Ethan Say, “Okay! Wait, What?? Nice.”
Dance Scene — Barbie
Penis Dance Scene — Saltburn
Digital Artist That Created Flounder, For Reminding Me of My Ex (Rest in Peace) — The Little Mermaid

Despite Ethan being the one who chooses who gets nominated for an Ethan, he admits there were some serious snubs. “It’s a real problem, the lack of diversity. Can you believe this, Colin? The Academy is 100 percent Asian.” But has an Asian person actually ever won an Ethan? “No! I get too jealous when any of them win anything. It’s a real problem,” he explains, before tossing to the In Memoriam segment, which is completely blank. “I don’t know anyone who died this year! Another blessed year for Ethan!”

Forget the Oscars, Bowen Yang Announces the ‘Ethan Awards’