“Who cares what you like?!” is another classic Yara catchphrase. Jovi has just dropped a mountain of bad news on her since they had their baby. Yara has only seen him three months out of the year she’s lived in America! He won’t be home for Christmas! She has to move by the end of the month! Yara has basically been a single mother, and Jovi has the audacity to suggest she prioritize what he wants in a new apartment. “Who cares what you like?!” is a completely appropriate response. Yara is the one who has to raise their kid there alone for nine out of 12 months. Jovi has plenty of time to be close to nightlife when he’s not living at home!
Yara is 90 Day’s best communicator because she calls Jovi out on it right away. Her bluntness can be a lot (saying “It looks like you are poor” when she sees Gwen’s laptop, for example), but it points to a genuine connection between Yara and Jovi (and his family) that she can speak that way to them and they still love her. Even Gwen seemed happy to baby Yara while she was sick. It’s also so funny that Yara was talking about Jovi living “up Gwen’s ass,” but she needs Gwen to refill her cups. Yara says, “Who cares what you like?!” and Jovi, being one of 90 Day’s best husbands, lets her take the lead. He accepts the circumstances of their agreement and allows Yara to make the best choice for their family. Like Gwen said, we’ll just see how Jovi adjusts.
Do I wish Tiffany would yell the same question at Ronald? Absolutely. Ronald doesn’t like changing poop diapers? Who cares what you like, Ronald! Ronald won’t let his family leave South Africa if they don’t like it there? Who cares, Ronald!! His family needs him to change poop diapers and take the idea of moving to America seriously! It’s so obvious Daniel does not want to stay there long term, and there’s no way Tiffany would force him to do that. If we could trust Ronald to provide the things his family needs, maybe they’d have a shot in South Africa. Ronald even says he wants to do everything he can to make them comfortable, but … he can’t even afford groceries on his own.
I feel like Tiffany needs to be more direct with him, but they can’t even have a calm conversation about diapers. Tiffany needs to be able to have honest conversations about savings, finances, and what he’ll say when they ask how he intends to support himself during his visa interview. If Ronald doesn’t get it together, he’s going to lose his family, because Tiffany is not going to keep going with this long-distance thing and neither will he, apparently. His weird threat to keep Tiffany in South Africa was just off-putting and selfish, but not in a good way, like when Yara is selfish.
As tired as I am of Mike and Natalie, I think we did get a little more insight into another one of the many issues in their relationship. Natalie has a weird desire to play the victim. She has this surgery that she seems to think Mike won’t support or will try to stop and hypes up all this drama, but then Mike is just like, “Oh, why didn’t you tell me you were scheduling it? Of course I’ll support you.” Natalie brings her friend around because she thinks she needs backup for this conversation, but Mike is incredibly chill about it. It feels like Natalie is just keeping things from him and being difficult so she can make it look like he doesn’t care. How can he care if he doesn’t know about it?! It’s starting to feel like Mike realized he married someone more interested in reality-TV drama than a real connection.
Michael and Angela are stuck in the reverse. These two have been through so much, I genuinely believe in their relationship and knew they weren’t done. I didn’t feel like Angela’s trip to her divorce lawyer or Michael calling his Council of Goofballs together were convincing. They both had their mind made up to talk again and see if they still want to be together. Michael’s Goofballs were focused on Angela’s breast reduction, but Michael just seems upset that Angela won’t give him an equal say in their relationship. That’s the thing, though: Michael has always said he wants a 50/50 relationship, not one where the man is in charge. It’s Angela who has made it clear she wants to be in charge. She wants Michael to be subservient to her, and that’s not fair.
Libby and Andrei clearly get off on teaming up against their family, but this week they can’t keep up the act. Eleanor almost falls down the stairs and Libby and Andrei immediately start fighting over it. Even Libby’s sisters tell her to calm down instead of using it as an opportunity to attack Andrei. This entire family trip is tense and unnecessary, but watching The Family Libby try to figure out new ways to fight for the cameras every week is fine. When it comes to the family and how tired we are of them, TLC is clearly just screaming, “Who cares what you like?!” at all of us.
90 Day Notes
• “It looks like you are poor.” I loved that Gwen just laughed at that comment; they’ve really bonded. That being said, Yara didn’t even try to pack the apartment up.
• “The poop diapers just don’t do it for me.” Ronald, I literally said you were a good dad last week and you ruined it.
• Brandon and Julia are not ready to live on their own, but I think their story will finally get interesting if they get their own place. I’m happy Julia got a job — I think people would be excited to take dance classes from her! She’s super social and fun.