Over two years and thousands in legal fees later, we can all forget about the Yesterday lawsuit, much like every character in Yesterday forgot about the Beatles. The class-action lawsuit from two Ana de Armas fans mad she was cut out of the film despite being in the trailer was officially settled on April 12, according to Variety. The details of the settlement are unknown. Peter Rosza and Conor Woulfe initially sued Universal in 2022 after renting Yesterday for $3.99 on Amazon. They got an early win when a judge agreed with them that trailers are commercial speech, rather than art in their own right, and thus subject to false-advertising claims. Then, however, they needed to prove that a large group of people were falsely led to watch the movie because they wanted to see Ana de Armas, but when the movie is based on the Beatles, that’s a tough sell. The case was thrown out. Rosza and Woulfe were left with $126,705 in Universal’s legal fees. The famed Ana de Armas stan account, @ArmasUpdates, has yet to weigh in.