An annual tradition (except for in 2022), best friends and co-hosts Andy Cohen, Anderson Cooper, and tequila host CNN’s New Year’s Eve Live. Here’s how the besties rang in the New Year and who they convinced to take a shot with them as the night unfolded.
Shot One: Resurgence
The boys are back. Cohen laid down the ground rules: at the top of every hour, Cohen and Cooper are going to take a shot of tequila together. However, Cohen didn’t specify how much was going to go into each shot. The two took the shot swimmingly; I mean, the first shot is always the easiest, right? Then Cooper shared his first words of wisdom for the evening: “If any young people are watching, at a certain point in your life, you will become the people you used to make fun of. And that’s what we’ve become.” We can only hope to be half as cool as them at their age.
Shot Two: Giggle City, USA
The second shot is always the hardest. Cohen took in the second shot like a pro, but Cooper struggled through the shot of tequila, gagging after the liquor hit his mouth. He started to giggle as Cohen teased and playfully poked him. He’s a lightweight, folks, especially once Ralph Fiennes joined them to recite the “Very Mindful, Very Demure” meme.
Who accepted a shot: Ralph Fiennes, Michael Ian Black, and Amber Ruffin
Who rejected a shot: Roy Wood Jr, with good reason.
Shot Three: Anderson can’t hold it in again
Right before comedian Whitney Cummings came to roast 2024, Cohen and Cooper downed their third drink. Cooper clarified that they’ve only taken three shots only two hours before the New Year. As Cummings continued to fire shot after shot at what happened this year, the tequila must’ve been hitting. Cooper began to hide his face while laughing at Cummings’s jokes and then was suspiciously still, possibly disassociating as he remembered the night wasn’t over yet. Hold it in, Coop!
Who rejected a shot: Whitney Cummings
Mid Show reflections: Cooper gets personal
Cooper introduced the in memoriam segment of the night by sharing his distaste for New Year’s. His father died on January 5, 1978 and he’s always felt grief during the holiday, opting to work instead of celebrate.
Who accepted a shot: Andy Cohen’s parents
Champagne Papis
The duo toasted a glass of champagne with 50 Cent, who was celebrating in Vegas. Cooper notably didn’t really drink his glass. Maybe he’s out for the night.
Who accepted a glass: 50 Cent
Shot Four: Regret
Cohen wanted to keep the party going, pitching to Cooper that they should take another shot right before the New Year. But it seemed like Cooper wanted out for the night. “Why do people do this?” he asked. Someone get this man a water. Cohen held down the fort by leading Anthony Anderson and his mother, Mama Doris, in a game called the Mom-ly Wed Game.
Who accepted one shot: Anthony Anderson and his mother, Mama Doris
Who accepted multiple shots: Diplo
Who might allegedly be microdosing: Also, Diplo. No confirmation on that though, besides a thumbs up from the gentleman.
Shot Five: Happy 2025
Cohen revealed that he and Cooper have already rung in 2025 with a toast, but argued that it “doesn’t count if it’s off-camera,” so they took another shot. “I just wanna say, this is the last drink I’m gonna have of 2025 … until 2026 New Year’s Eve,” Cooper declared. We look forward to it. (And thankfull, CNN has dropped a highlight reel to tide us over until then.)