The legacy of Gawker shall never die! It shall only grow stranger and weirder! Ben Affleck and Matt Damon’s production company, Artists Equity, recently bought Charles Randolph’s screenplay based on Ryan Holiday’s book Conspiracy: Peter Thiel, Hulk Hogan, Gawker, and the Anatomy of Intrigue, per Variety. Finally, one of the three Gawker movies will maybe actually get made. Affleck is rumored to be playing Hulk Hogan, who sued Gawker out of existence. Damon is rumored to be taking on the role of billionaire Peter Thiel, who was outed as gay by the website and then financed Hogan’s lawsuit against Gawker and its gay founder, Nick Denton. We’d say that’s perfect casting, but everybody knows Damon decided to stop saying the F-slur.
The movie is currently titled Killing Gawker, and Gus Van Sant, known for his work in ’90s queer cinema but also a shot-for-shot remake of Psycho starring Vince Vaughn, is attached to direct. This would be a reunion since Van Sant directed Good Will Hunting to Oscar-winning success back in the ’90s. After all, nothing says family reunion like depicting the unholy alliance between an evil gay billionaire and Hulk Hogan.