So long, love! Rom-Com Week at Cinematrix is nearing its end, but we’ve collected the perfect companion games for your autumnal rom-com viewings. This week’s grids are archived for subscribers in our hub if you missed any of the daily games, or you can click through below to take you right to the grid. Call it a meet-cute.
This one’s all that
Can you name a Freddie Prinze Jr. or Rachael Leigh Cook movie released between 1995 and 2004? What about a Gabrielle Union or Anna Paquin movie with “The” in the title?
We are just that into you
Can you name a Drew Barrymore rom-com? What about Adam Sandler? Or Queen Latifah?
Going to the chapel and we’re gonna get m-a-a-rried
Can you name a movie with “wedding” or “bride” in the title starring Julia Roberts, Jennifer Lopez, or Katherine Heigl?
I’ll have what she’s having …
Can you name a Nora Ephron movie starring Meg Ryan? What about Meryl Streep?
Angela & Taye & Julia & Heath & Clea & Natasha
Can you name a Clea DuVall or Natasha Lyonne movie with double letters in the title?