FKA Twigs appeared in the flesh before Congress today, testifying about the dangers of unregulated AI. But if the performer’s plans go accordingly, IRL Twigs may soon have artificially intelligent help for future appearances. Speaking to the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Intellectual Property, Twigs revealed that she has been developing a deep fake of herself to interact with fans. The AI version of the singer “is not only trained in my personality but also can use my exact tone of voice to speak many languages,” she said in prepared remarks, per Rolling Stone. “I will be engaging my AI Twigs later this year to extend my reach and handle my online social-media interactions whilst I continue to focus on my art from the comfort and solace of my studio.”
Twigs was testifying in support of the bipartisan NO FAKES Act, which would protect artists from unauthorized use of their likeness created by artificial intelligence. She said such technologies can be “highly valuable tools both artistically and commercially when under the control of the artist,” and she cautioned against unauthorized use. Just ask the Tupac estate. And yes, Twigs admitted that even her AI self won’t be a full replacement. “AI cannot replicate the depth of my life journey,” she said. “Yet those who control it hold the power to mimic the likeness of my art, to replicate it, and falsely claim my identity and intellectual property.” (Could deep-fake Twigs testify before Congress, though? Time will tell.)
In closing, Twigs implored lawmakers to “get this right” and to regulate AI. “I stand before you today because you have it in your power to help protect artists and their work from the dangers of exploitation and theft inherent in this technology if it remains unchecked,” she said. “I am here on behalf of all creators whose careers depend on their ability to create, safe in the knowledge that they can maintain tight control over their own art, image, voice, and identity.”