Each month, many funny videos are posted to every corner of the internet — from Twitter to Instagram, Vimeo, and sometimes other weird places we’ll have trouble embedding. Because you’re busy living your life, you might miss some of these funny videos and feel left out when others bring them up in conversation. Well, worry not! We’re here to make sure you’re not listening in on conversations but leading them … as long as those conversations are about funny internet videos. Here, our favorite comedy shorts of the month.
“The Guy Who Records Sleep Sounds,” by Garrett Williams
Garrett Williams has been up to plenty this quarantine, and this is the latest in a line of low-budget Twitter premieres. Groundbreaking it is not, but “The Guy Who Records Sleep Sounds” — with lines like “My favorite sound that I’ve ever recorded? An elephant’s ear flapping. The sounds of someone making the right decision” — is a perfect example of quarantine innovation gone right. And couldn’t we all use some elephant ear flaps after the 15 months we’ve all had?
“Hello, My Name Is Andrew Yang and I Love Poor People,” by Aaron Yin
Andrew Yang’s campaign for mayor of New York City has been rife with out-of-touch moments from the beginning, and Aaron Yin’s impression of him highlights his particular ability to communicate his experiences in a way that would only resonate with someone who had spent five minutes in New York on their way to Connecticut. “Just the other day i was on a Number 2 Blue Train going north to Houston Street …” says Yang, shortly before letting out another laugh that, as Yin puts it, sounds like it’s trying to escape his body.
“I Asked New York Mayoral Candidate Andrew Yang What His Favorite Jay-Z Song Is,” by Ziwe
All right, so maybe Andrew Yang is a real hip-hop fan. He did make a mayoral campaign video that featured a rap (yeah, we called it that!) courtesy of MC Jin. Still, though, this UBI-loving dude has clearly never heard a full Jay-Z song, and he just shouldn’t have lied about it. “Empire State of Mind” was right there, Andy. And you blew it.
“Performative Allyship,” by Mike Cabellon, Katie Sicking, and Adrien Pellerin
From new short-form digital video house Rizzle comes a truly Stupid Music Video (don’t worry, it’s the name of the series) about white people making a huge fucking deal about how heroic they are for providing non-white people the most basic social courtesies. White people might all do well to walk around with this streaming on an iPad attached to our chests for the next few years.
“The Sarah Vaccine,” by Sarah Squirm
We’ve all heard of the coronavirus vaccine, but it’s been mostly a lot of media chatter distracting from coverage of the Sarah vaccine, which, if this newest infomercial from body-horror comedian Sarah Squirm tells us anything, is definitely, 100% the Sarah vaccine. It’s bigger, cooler, and more Sarah than any of the other vaccines, which means that it’s better. Squirm has mastered walking the line between what makes us laugh and what makes us gag in recent years, and this video shows those formidable powers on full display. Don’t watch this during your lunch break. (Watch it here.)
“When Comedians Start Rambling About How ‘Comedy is a Family,’” by Sara Schaefer
Sara Schaefer’s not naming any names but, let’s be real, we know them and the institutions they’re affiliated with. Hell, we’ve probably said some version of both “Comedy is a family” and “Comedians have each other’s backs” at some point in the ten years this column’s been running, and we’ve learned both things are pretty untrue. Please enjoy this video and share in celebration of the retirement of both those phrases (and hopefully a more equitable environment where everyone feels empowered to do nonstop, insufferable bits … not just white guys).
“WASP Mom Goes to Mother’s Day Brunch,” by Caitlin Reilly
Soap-opera star and YouTuber Caitlyn Reilly has many talents. Perhaps most impressive among them is how pitch-perfectly she imitates an entitled WASP mom, the likes of which you’d recognize immediately pretty much anywhere there are pool attendants. The passive-aggressive smile, the (not-so) subtle entitlement, the preoccupation with her children’s weight. Rank and file Karens aspire to be this awful. Bravo.
“Where Do You Go?” by Kady Ruth Ashcraft
This short film, written and directed by Kady Ruth Ashcraft, follows a few different collections of characters who are heading in the general direction of the afterlife, wondering what’s on the other side. Oscillating from a woman making arrangements to a wood-paneled sales pitch, Ashcraft wrings both humor and pathos from the lonely landscapes and big personalities that populate Where Do You Go? Plus, you’ll notice several Vulture favorites rounding out the cast.
“Why I Joined the CIA,” by Blaire Erskine
The military industrial complex’s recent attempts to out-woke every other complex out there is the perfect fodder for a Blaire Erskine character, so we’re thrilled she took the baton. In this video, she plays a young woman who was more ambitious than the other kids at school, and always knew she’d find the right path to explore her passion of waterboarding prisoners at a black site torture room. Consider one glass ceiling thoroughly shattered.
“Wild N’ Out for Workplace Disputes,” by Michelle Chan Bennett and Trevor Hembling
Comedian Michelle Chan Bennett and director Trevor Hembling mix office tensions with Nick Cannon’s MTV show Wild N’ Out in File N’ Out, self-described by the company’s HR rep as “the most hip-hopping and culturally relevant way to settle workplace disputes.” Two employees trade off increasingly passive-aggressive emails, backed by a team egging them on, until, inevitably, a line is crossed. If you’re looking for a sketch to tide you over until you have a 4 p.m. with a hated co-worker you have to get to, this is the one.
Like what you saw? Want to be on this monthly roundup? Show us your stuff!
Luke Kelly-Clyne is president at Big Breakfast and a watcher of many web videos. Send him yours at @LKellyClyne.
Graham Techler performs at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre and contributes writing to The New Yorker. Send him your videos at @gr8h8m_t3chl3r.
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- The Best Comedy Shorts of February 2025
- The Best Comedy Shorts of November 2024
- The Best Comedy Shorts of October 2024