Stars: They’re just like us. They also watch the shows they’re on. So much so that there has become a cottage industry for recap podcasts from the show’s stars themselves, which aren’t that different from regular recap podcasts except for the added bonus of BTS insights, like how viscous Kevin’s famous chili was on The Office or how it smelled sitting around old Italian cured meats all day on The Sopranos. Finally, we the people have one for us. For the girls. Adam Pally and Casey Wilson, the King and Queen of Vulture Festival, are launching The Happy Endings podcast, a show that ran on ABC from 2011 to 2013, which, as Wilson puts it, “some people love and many did not see.” We are “some people.”
Like all TV-star-led recap podcasts, this one will feature guests involved in the original show, including cast members, writers, and producers. Unlike other TV-star-led recap podcasts, it promises to “confront the man who canceled the show.” The Happy Endings Podcast premieres on May 21. Listen to the trailer below. It is — say it with me — suh cyut! Sorry to those who said “ahmahzing” to themselves there, but, yes, it’s that too.