no grownups allowed

KidHole Is Over, But Also, Long Live KidHole

We want more! Photo: Kidhole

You may have missed it, but this week saw the dawn of a new, albeit extremely short, era: kid clickbait. On January 31, Clickholeour favorite parody content mill — unveiled a (temporary) new version of its site called KidHole that’s just for kids who are probably too young to even be on a website. Stories published throughout the week include “A Good Idea: You Should Draw On The Wall With A Marker,” “I Read A Book And The Book Was 327 Pages Long And The Book Was About Sailors,” and “I STAYED UP UNTIL 11:03 PM LAST NIGHT!!!!!!!” — things kids would definitely write if someone would simply give them access to a CMS. Here’s a sampling of some of the other kid-friendly clickbait blogs KidHole gave to the world throughout its brief existence:

Aside from being absolutely adorable for adults, KidHole’s content does at least partially hit with its intended audience. After showing KidHole to her 7-year-old daughter, Vulture critic Kathryn VanArendonk reported back that “What The H*ck! Broccoli … Is ……… YUM????” simply prompted “a chuckle,” while “Give Mommy’s Jewelry To Your School Friends!!!” got the biggest laugh, “especially the scroll down to the hamster.”

In a phone conversation with Vulture, ClickHole head writer Jewel Galbraith let us down easy: KidHole ended on Thursday, February 3, and there aren’t any current plans to repeat the endeavor unless some cash from Big Kid starts rolling in. “We were talking about, like, if it gets sponsored by Fisher Price or something like that,” she said. “I think we would do it again if it was that type of situation.” The letter-writing campaign begins now!

Until that Fisher Price money becomes a reality, you can catch up with all the KidHole clickbait you may have missed here.

KidHole Is Over, But Also, Long Live KidHole