A new movie theater is opening in Los Angeles in 2026. A fork has been found in a kitchen. Water is wet. What’s the big deal? It’s actually the latest interactive art exhibition from Meow Wolf, the creators behind Las Vegas’s Omega Mart and Santa Fe’s House Of Eternal Return, that’ll take place in a Cinemark theater in West Los Angeles. It’s basically a mix of an art installation and a theme park; there’s a ton of interactive elements and hidden rooms to explore. For anyone who’s really into uncovering lore, there’s usually a story you follow throughout the exhibit, kind of like an IRL video game. You can also roam around and find little Easter Eggs and jokes in the different art pieces— there’s probably going to be plenty of niche movie references hidden among the neon lights.
Meow Wolf hasn’t revealed much about the world behind the Los Angeles exhibit besides that it will take place in a movie theater and speak to the “cinematic soul” of the city. But judging from its past permanent spaces, like Omega Mart, where a fridge is a portal to another dimension, you’ll probably be transported into some hero’s journey into the world of Hollywood. It’s also promised to be intertwined with the existing worlds of the other five Meow Wolf exhibits. Now, how do we get Nicole Kidman in on this…