Talk about salty pork. Miss Piggy is furious that she has been left off the list of Disney Legends. Every D23 Expo, the company inducts “legends” that have contributed to turning Walt’s fly-by-night operation into the global behemoth it is today. This years’ inductees include Harrison Ford, Frank Oz, Imagineer Joe Rohde, and not Miss Piggy. “I understand that the committee responsible for the Disney Legend award has once again overlooked my For Your Consideration campaign, and instead are bestowing it on another group of randos this year,” she said. Piggy spoke via video at a panel in her honor, celebrating 70 years of the Muppets. Not that Miss Piggy herself is 70! When it comes to age, a gentleman never asks and a pig never tells.
Miss Piggy reserved most of her ire for one Disney Legend in particular. This year’s list included “somebody I don’t even think is a real person,” she said. “Frank Oz? Give me a break! I could come up with a more believable name than that. Here: Ronald … Robinbloden.” To briefly break kayfabe, Oz was Miss Piggy’s original puppeteer. He also has performed Yoda and Fozzie Bear, before pivoting to directing films like Little Shop of Horrors and 2004’s The Stepford Wives. Meanwhile Miss Piggy has been a star of stage and screen for …less than 70 years, in roles that Walt Disney Archives director Becky Cline said she was bullied by Piggy to call “worthy of award consideration.”