There’s something wrong about imagining Nicole Kidman on social media. Yes, she’s a modern woman, but she’s also above all that hubbub, with an innate elegance that should disqualify her from seeing any form of “challenge,” “trend,” or “prank.” Still, we know that’s not the case: She has two teen daughters, after all. So it was altogether comforting when, in a December 4 interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Kidman confirmed her level of interaction with social media (minimal) by sounding incredibly parental. “I’ve never been on TikTok,” she said. “I have people around me that go, ‘Did you see this on TikTok?’ So then they’ll show me a couple of seconds of it, and I’ll be like, ‘Oh my God. That’s so funny.’”
Except, we assume she, being Australian, pronounced it like “saur.” But you know what? TikToks often are so funny. We especially hope Kidman is checking out all the Boq hate. She’s got experience with a five-foot-seven man that was famously not good.