The children of two separate dynasties have come together to maximize their joint nepo. Bill Gates’s daughter Phoebe and Paul McCartney’s grandson Arthur Donald are dating, the computer heiress confirmed in a photo diary for Nylon magazine. “My boyfriend, Arthur, giving me a lift post-ceremony,” she captioned a photo of Donald giving her a piggyback ride at her graduation on June 15. In another image, we see the couple posing at her evening festivities. “With Arthur, he cleans up nicely.” Though Gates is only just now confirming the relationship, the the news doesn’t come as a surprise. In October 2023, she posted a picture of herself and Donald snapping a flick on a Parisian balcony with the Eiffel Tower in the background. “Paris on film,” read the caption for the Instagram post. This linkup of the next nepo generation is giving gilded royals, keeping their wealth and influence within their familiar circles, without bothering to justify their inherited fame unlike some of their more defensive peers. Good for them!