
The Real Housewives of Atlanta Recap: Blast From the Past

The Real Housewives of Atlanta

Better Late Than Ugly
Season 15 Episode 9
Editor’s Rating 2 stars

The Real Housewives of Atlanta

Better Late Than Ugly
Season 15 Episode 9
Editor’s Rating 2 stars
Photo: Bravo

In one week, the RHONY reboot will join Bravo’s Sunday lineup, and after tonight’s RHOA, I will be keenly watching to see how this cast revamp will set a precedent for the future of Housewives. This episode was such a sleeper that maybe a recast is on the table — it seemed like a whole bunch of nothing happened. There were great moments, like watching Allison and Drew connect and seeing Sanya raise money for a fantastic cause, but a few nice scenes amid 40 minutes of cutting-room-floor material does not a good episode make.

The most disappointing scene, but also the most telling, was the reunion between four of the five OGs. In a surreal moment, RHOA’s past, present, and the question of its future collided when Shereé brought Lisa Wu, DeShawn Snow (who spoke 2.5 words), and Kim Zolciak together on-camera for the first time in years. The scene felt forced and inorganic, like meeting with an old close friend from whom, midway through your meal, you remember exactly why you grew apart. In this specific case, it’s because the friend neither of you talks to anymore was actually the glue holding you together. For these women, the person missing is NeNe Leakes.

With a single empty chair at the dinner table speaking volumes, the OGs commiserate on ending past petty beef and touch on the changes in their lives since we last saw them on the show. Both Lisa and DeShawn went through divorces, while Kim was still with Kroy at the time of filming. The couple made headlines in May when they filed for what seemed to be a heated divorce amid financial hardships and accusations of gambling addiction and marijuana abuse. Just last month, Kim called the police to dispute Kroy’s claims that one of her friends “kidnapped” one of the couple’s children. But, as People reported on Friday, Kim and Kroy called off their divorce and, according to the source, are trying to work things out for the kids.

Since all of Kim and Kroy’s marital drama went public after filming, none of this intriguing drama was captured or discussed on-camera; instead, we got a reunion as stale as any of the derivative media reboots of the 2020s. I’m not sure if it was the producers’ intention (why not remove the chair to declutter the frame?), but the empty chair ominously pointed to an issue plaguing the show that myself and fans have mentioned many times before: We’re dealing with a cast of supporting characters with no one capable of carrying the charisma left behind by past Housewives.

I still believe there’s a compelling argument for Lisa Wu’s return, as her dynamic with Kandi and Shereé would be entertaining to watch after so many years, and I’d be curious to see how she meshes with Drew and Kenya. As far as Kim, I can see her as a great adversary to Kenya. But at that point, let’s just bring someone new in; anything else Kim would bring would simply be more Don’t Be Tardy, and it’s clear no one wanted to watch that anymore. We can keep up with her marital shenanigans without having her on our screens.

Returning to RHOA’s present, the ladies remain scattered, filming portions of their everyday lives until Sanya’s MommiNation brunch brings them all together. Shereé gets acupuncture on her feet for her fibroids, Sanya preps for her event, and Kandi is traveling, working on who knows what. Marlo muses to her friend about her dinner with Scotly, the Jamaican restaurateur, methodically writing text replies and dealing with all the other anxieties of the beginning stages of dating. This side of Marlo is youthful and spirited, but it’s no coincidence that she happens to be much more tolerable in the episode she’s barely in (and she’s miraculously not talking about Kandi).

Kenya films a new commercial for Kenya Moore Hair, using the choreography and concept of her canceled Magic City Classic performance. Decked out in her best majorette costume — with a miniature-size one for Brooklyn, of course — Kenya twirled in front of the camera, giving her best take on HBCU drum-line culture. It was adorable all in all, and if we’re being honest, Brooklyn’s twirl is giving Kenya a run for her money. We meet her “friend” Roi, who brings her food from his health-food restaurant. There’s not much to report about their interaction; part of me felt it could be another staged Walter (the man Kenya dated in her inaugural season) situation, but the other part of me thinks Kenya can just be endearingly awkward sometimes.

Drew, who, no matter what you think about her, can never say she didn’t fully open up her life to us, reconnects with her sister Allison for a deeper conversation about Allison’s mental health and the estrangement they experienced in their relationship. Allison is a textbook example of people who, like many of us, prioritize the demands of hustle culture above their mental health. Along with the stress of her lifestyle, she had residual trauma from a violent relationship in her 20s. During COVID, all these things culminated in a mental-health break that landed Allison in the psychiatric hospital. They don’t mention how Allison’s contentious history with Ralph plays into their journey as sisters, but the most important thing is that they’re reconnecting.

The tension between the Richards sisters is exacerbated once the day of Sanya’s MommiNation brunch arrives. After a miscommunication that left Shari clueless about the run of events for the brunch, the two women have a very sisterlike conversation in Patois that leaves Sanya in tears. The irony is that MommiNation was founded because of Sanya’s mission to make a community for mothers, but her own community is struggling to feel reciprocity for their support. It could be classic Housewife syndrome; it’s a prerequisite to be self-centered to be cast on the show, but I don’t think Sanya does it intentionally or with malice. Sanya has lived her life as the nucleus of her family, providing jobs and being catered to so she can achieve her Olympic dreams, but now her family is rightfully expecting more in return.

The purpose of the MommiNation brunch is not only to celebrate moms and hand out some “Mommi Awards” but to raise money for the Boyce L. Ansley School. The Ansley School provides a tuition-free private-school education to children experiencing homelessness. Sanya organized an auction during the brunch to obtain resources to support the mothers of the children attending the school. When Sanya’s auctioneer falls through, Kenya steps up to the plate … even though Sanya didn’t book her through her agent for the second time. There are a few hiccups getting Kenya to the event, but I agree with Ms. Gone with the Wind Fabulous: I’d rather be late than ugly any day.

When Kenya does arrive (dressed in an outfit reminiscent of a Disney villain), she successfully hypes the crowd up, exceeding Sanya’s goal by over $25,000. During the Mommi Award portion of the brunch, Sanya organizes a surprise for Shereé, bringing Kairo out to shower the new glam-ma with love. As syrupy-sweet as the moment was, it only solidified that Kairo is spoken for, and he’s a new dad, which means I need to give up my dreams of marrying him.

Now that we’re officially at the mid-season mark, the future of RHOA is more uncertain than ever, and the trailer for the second half of the season has left me dubious of what’s to come. There are familiar faces, but not ones we are all that interested in seeing (except Shamea, who’s neutral, and Cynthia, who is always welcome). Do we need to see Bob Whitfield? Martell? Drew and Shereé’s messy ex-assistant? Well, maybe yes to the assistant because the shoe throw is hilarious. There’s another gay story line, which may lead to some clarity on Drew and Ralph’s divorce, but, knowing the women of Atlanta, we will be subjected to more passive-aggressive anti-gay comments. There’s little we as viewers can do but continue to hope for the best and be prepared for the worst.

Peach Tea To-go

• For a moment, I got the feeling that Shereé bringing up going on a vacation during the OG dinner was to plant the seed for an RHUGT with all RHOA alums, à la RHONY Legacy. That would be worth watching, and I can get behind seeing Kim Zolciak in that capacity.

• This could be a stretch, but I’ve been rewatching Married to Medicine in anticipation of the new season, and I was thinking Quad could be thrown into the RHOA mix now that she’s not technically “married to medicine.” She already has a relationship with most of the women, and M2M would be fine without her as a main cast member now that Phaedra has joined and Dr. G is filming again with his new partner.

• I want to send lots of love to Allison. As someone who also experiences clinical mental-health issues, it means the world seeing conversations about being hospitalized be normalized on television.

• The absolute best part of the mid-season trailer is finding out that Sanya is pregnant! Let’s congratulate her and Ross on the new addition to their family; I know the baby will be showered with love. And I can’t wait to see Deuce as a big brother!

The Real Housewives of Atlanta Recap: Blast From the Past