Paul McCartney, Elton John, and Garth Brooks each have a bit of experience with fictional musicians (see: Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, Captain Fantastic, and Chris Gaines). And soon they’ll be joining forces with another fictional band, Spinal Tap, in Rob Reiner’s upcoming sequel to This Is Spinal Tap. Reiner revealed on Richard Herring’s podcast RHLSTP that the three musicians would appear in the long-awaited mockumentary sequel, which is set to film in February 2024. Reiner previously announced Spinal Tap’s reunion last year, with Christopher Guest, Michael McKean, and Harry Shearer all set to return as the band’s members. The new film was reported to be modeled after Martin Scorsese’s the Band doc The Last Waltz — so should we expect McCartney, John, and Brooks to be joining the band on a blowout farewell tour? And where can we buy our tickets?