Concert etiquette is truly at an all-time low – what are we, animals? In this case, yes. A batty fan bit Taylor Momsen onstage while her band, the Pretty Reckless, was opening for AC/DC in Seville, Spain. And by batty fan, we mean a literal bat — Momsen went to the hospital for treatment afterward. “I must really be a witch,” the singer, who was coincidentally performing the song “Witches Burn,” says in footage of the incident. The small bat landed on her leg for an over-friendly photo op, which more respectful fans in the crowd immediately began pointing at. Momsen later made two Instagram posts about the experience, with one including a snapshot of fang marks on her skin. “he was cute, but yes he bit me…so rabies shots for the next two weeks 😖😖😖,” she wrote in the caption, adding that hospital staff had dubbed her “batgirl.” In a video taken after the show, Momsen reflects that the bat “scared the shit out of me.” But in her caption, she now seems happy to remember it as her “ROCK AND ROLL MOMENT.” Hey, it’s probably less traumatizing than Ozzy Osbourne’s bat moment was.