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The Real Housewives of Ardross Castle Just Dropped Their Taglines

Photo: Euan Cherry/Peacock

The housewives are heading to Scotland, and they have made sure to bring their taglines into their carry-on. Who are we kidding? Housewives check in their bags. Chanel Ayan (Dubai), Robyn Dixon (Potomac), Dorinda Medley (NYC), and Dolores Catania (New Jersey) are trading their home turfs for greener pastures in The Traitors US season three. Are there Easter Eggs to be found among the taglines? Probably not, but it’s always fun to bring a little Bravo into the competition before the first three episodes drop on Thursday. In the same spirit, let’s rank each housewives respective tagline.

4. Ayan

“Diamonds aren’t girls’ best friends, daggers are.”

I feel like we could’ve leaned into the Traitors theme a little bit more: shields, roundtables, castles. Just something more than just daggers. Also surely she’ll be wearing diamonds during the game.

3. Robyn

“You can banish me or murder me. But you’ll never forget me.”

I’m going to be honest: the minute someone gets eliminated from a reality competition they’re burned out of my memory, Men in Black style. So if she gets eliminated, sorry Robyn!

2. Dorinda

“You may know me as Lady of the Manor, but now I’m going to be Queen of the Castle.”

Dorinda’s is giving us a little bit of her backstory, hinting at her time living in London (“Lady of the Manor”) and possibly foreshadowing her playing style (or maybe an alliance with Lord Ivar Mountbatten.)

1. Dolores

“Backstabbing and treachery? I thought this was going to be an escape from my real life.”

This is the best representation of how the Housewives strategy get implemented into the game and how their specific series format became an advantage.

The Real Housewives of Traitors S3 Dropped Their Taglines