Eric Levitz Author Archive

Eric Levitz

Features Writer, Intelligencer

Eric Levitz is a features writer for Intelligencer. He covers politics and economics.

  1. vision 2020
    Trump 2020 Showers Early Primary States in Biden-Ukraine Conspiracy AdsOn Friday, Trump tweeted that his attempts to coerce Ukraine into investigating Biden had “NOTHING to do with politics or a political campaign.”
  2. elizabeth warren
    In Good Tweet, Elizabeth Warren Stands Up for Free College, Thirsty CougarsTurns out, Warren also had a plan for the unlikely event that a far-right grifter libelously accused her of doing S&M with an ex-marine gigolo.
  3. president trump
    The President Is a Corrupt, Bloodthirsty Tyrant, Reports SuggestDonald Trump’s latest high crimes and misdemeanors are too blatant to be believed.
  4. vision 2020
    Left-Wing Policies Aren’t Risky for Democrats. Unpopular Ones Are.A new survey claims that Democrats risk losing support by moving left. But the data tell a more complicated story.
  5. meritocracy
    Harvard’s Affirmative Action for Rich Whites Exposes Myth of MeritocracyHarvard’s competitive admissions process exists to maintain the prestige of the credentials it sells to the mediocre children of aristocrats.
  6. health care
    Americans’ Health-Care Costs Are Too Damn High, Study FindsAs premiums soar, employers are offloading more and more costs onto their workers.
  7. immigration
    Trump’s Immigration Policies Are Working (to Make America Poorer)In 2018, the U.S. immigrant population grew at its slowest rate since the Great Recession. Meanwhile, our nation’s birth rate fell to a 32-year low.
  8. ukraine scandal
    GOP Divided Over How Enthusiastically to Cover for Trump’s Corruption on UkraineSome Republicans want to pretend that the whistleblower complaint is concerning but not damning ⁠— others, that Trump’s corruption is actually good.
  9. vision 2020
    The Bernie vs. Warren Debate We NeedWhich candidate has the best unpassable plans doesn’t matter. Which one has a better strategy for building the left’s power does.
  10. vision 2020
    5 Signs Elizabeth Warren Is Winning the Democratic PrimaryThe latest wave of polls show Warren rising in the present — and suggest she’s well-positioned to overtake Biden in the future.
  11. james comey
    James Comey: Don’t Impeach Trump – That Would Let Voters ‘Off the Hook’Comey explains that Congress should keep a criminal in the Oval Office to teach the American people a valuable lesson about owning their mistakes.
  12. brexit
    The U.K. Supreme Court Just Humiliated Boris JohnsonIn an 11-0 ruling, the court declared the prime minister’s suspension of Parliament an unlawful subversion of British democracy.
  13. impeachment
    Is It Finally Time to Impeach Trump?Intelligencer staffers discuss whether the Ukraine scandal is enough to initiate proceedings against the president.
  14. house republicans
    Trump Is Eroding the GOP’s Support Among the White Lawmaking ClassTrump’s lack of appeal to highly educated Republicans hasn’t driven many voters from his coalition — but it is driving many GOP lawmakers out of D.C.
  15. david brooks
    David Brooks: Politics Is Too Uncivil — and Anyone to My Left Is Un-AmericanThe reasonable conservative explains that Liz Warren is an anti-American radical because she wants to tax wealth and elect presidents democratically.
  16. house democrats
    Nancy Pelosi’s Drug Plan Pits Trump’s Base Against GOP OrthodoxyPrice controls on prescription drugs are deeply popular with the GOP’s aging base — and deeply antithetical to GOP lawmakers’ ideology.
  17. vision 2020
    No One Knows Whether Warren or Sanders Is in Second PlaceRecent polls from the first primary states show that Bernie Sanders is pulling even with Biden — or else plummeting out of contention.
  18. labor
    Democracy Dies When Labor Unions DoStrengthening unions should be at the heart of any agenda for reviving American democracy because labor’s weakness is at the heart of its decline.
  19. vision 2020
    Would You Leave Joe Biden Alone With Trump?At the third Democratic debate, Biden was at his weakest when tired and on the defensive. How will he hold up against Trump’s attacks in 12 months?
  20. elizabeth warren
    Warren Secures Coveted Accidental Endorsement From Frightened FinanciersAs Team Biden questions the authenticity of Warren’s populism, conservative financial journalists (unintentionally) rally to her defense.
  21. the french
    French Court Holds Company Liable for Worker’s Death During Business-Trip SexA French man died after committing adultery on a business trip. Now his employer must compensate his family for his “industrial accident.”
  22. vision 2020
    The Republican Party Is (Probably) Not DoomedAn esteemed Democratic pollster says 2020 will mark the death of the GOP as we’ve known it. His case is weak.
  23. climate change
    Jonathan Franzen’s Climate Pessimism Is Justified. His Fatalism Is Not.The novelist is right that we are very unlikely to keep warming below two degrees Celsius. He’s badly wrong about what that means.
  24. vision 2020
    Trump Fears Alienating His Base With Gun Reforms. That’s Irrational.The president backed off background checks for fear of displeasing his core supporters. But he can’t win reelection on their votes alone.
  25. the economy
    The Fastest Growing Jobs in America Don’t Require a College DegreeExpanding access to higher education can’t revive the middle class. Only increasing the bargaining power of service-sector workers can.
  26. climate change
    On Climate, Sanders and Warren Must Go NuclearBernie Sanders is right that the climate crisis demands a radical break with obsolete ideologies – but that includes anti-nuclear leftism.
  27. labor
    Unions Have Won the War of Ideas. Will That Win Them Power?Unions are in material decline, but ideological ascent. Can newfound popularity with centrist Democrats and voters revive the labor movement?
  28. segregation
    Should NYC Ax Gifted Programs to Integrate Its Schools?The plan from de Blasio’s advisers is good policy, but dicey politics because socioeconomic segregation is quite popular with affluent voters.
  29. polls
    Here Are 7 ‘Left Wing’ Ideas (Almost) All Americans Can Get BehindNew polling finds that several supposedly radical policy ideas actually command majority support — in all 50 states.
  30. authoritarianism
    Trump’s Lawless Wall and Callous Attacks on Puerto Rico Are ConnectedTrump’s campaign says of Democrats, “This country is ours, not theirs.” The president’s policies say the same.
  31. brexit
    Brexit: Why Boris Johnson Just Asked the Queen to Suspend ParliamentThe prime minister has backed opponents of a “no deal” Brexit into corner.
  32. trump campaign
    Trump Campaign: ‘Remind AOC and Democrats That This Is Our Country, Not Theirs’In a campaign email, the president defends the Electoral College on the grounds that the U.S. belongs exclusively to Republican voters.
  33. the media
    Free-Speech Defender Bret Stephens Reports ‘Bedbug’ Joke to Critic’s BossWhen progressives tried to get Tucker Carlson fired for calling Iraqis “primitive monkeys,” the Times columnist frowned upon their illiberalism.
  34. vision 2020
    Don Jr. Warns That Joe Biden Might Use the Presidency to Enrich His FamilyBiden’s brother allegedly told business partners they would profit off a Biden presidency. Trump has explicitly promised to profit off his own.
  35. millennials
    Millennials Aren’t That Into God, Patriotism, or Having Kids: PollAnd that’s probably good news for Democrats.
  36. the democrats
    Some Senate Democrats Value Susan Collins’s Friendship More Than PowerCollins does the bidding of plutocrats and pro-lifers. Democrats probably can’t govern unless she loses — but some are rooting for her, anyway.
  37. climate change
    Trump Is Prioritizing the Climate’s Destruction Over His Own ReelectionA debt-financed green stimulus would be good for the economy and Trump’s 2020 prospects. But it would also benefit the climate, so he won’t do it.
  38. 1619 project
    The ‘1619 Project’ Isn’t Anti-American — It’s Anti-White Identity PoliticsThe centrality of slavery to the American story is only threatening to one’s national identity if one chooses to identify as white.
  39. intelligencer chats
    Did Jay Inslee Get a Fair Shake From Voters?Intelligencer stafffers discuss the departure of the “climate candidate” from the Democratic primary.
  40. the economy
    When CEOs Promise a Kinder Capitalism, Watch Your WalletThe Business Roundtable’s embrace of “corporate responsibility” is an attempt to evade democratic accountability.
  41. vision 2020
    Trump Assures Public He Isn’t Mulling Middle-Class Tax Cut to Stop RecessionTrump’s team denies that it’s mulling a payroll tax cut to preempt a recession, insisting that it’s only considering new tax breaks for the rich.
  42. intelligencer chats
    Trump’s Re-Election and the Recession RiskIntelligencer staffers discuss President Trump’s re-election chances in the context of a possible economic downturn.
  43. vision 2020
    If This Fox News Poll Is Right, Trump Is a GonerIn 2016, Trump drew an unpopular opponent and dominated among voters who disliked both candidates. A new poll says he won’t be so lucky in 2020.
  44. fitness
    Donald Trump, a Very Fit Man of the People, Fat Shames Own SupporterAt a rally in New Hampshire, our populist president told an overweight supporter to “go home” and “start excercising.”
  45. israel
    By Barring Omar and Tlaib, Netanyahu Did BDS a Huge FavorCalling attention to Israel’s illiberalism and the congresswomen’s advocacy for Palestinian rights will increase support for BDS.
  46. conservatism
    Watch Ben Shapiro (Accidentally) Destroy the Myth of MeritocracyAmerica’s foremost conservative intellectual argues that our economy pays workers what they deserve, thereby proving that it pays him far too much.
  47. millennials
    America’s Most Socialist Generation Is Also Its Most MisanthropicYoung adults are exceptionally distrustful of the state (and each other) — and yet, exceptionally supportive of socialism and redistribution.
  48. vision 2020
    Is Tom Steyer Making a Mockery Out of the DNC?Intelligencer staffers discuss whether the billionaire, who’s likely to be on stage for the third Democratic debates, is damaging the primary process.
  49. trade war
    Trump Just Admitted That Tariffs Hurt ConsumersAfter insisting that China “paid” his tariffs, Trump delayed a new round of duties to spare “U.S. customers” during “the Christmas season.”
  50. 2020 democratic primaries
    Tom Steyer Bought Himself a ‘Grassroots Campaign’ for $10 MillionThe billionaire candidate insists that he is the Democrats’ only credible messenger on preventing big money from distorting our politics.
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