Cannes Returns, With Zombies in TowThis year’s festival opens with Final Cut, a zombie flick from The Artist’s Michel Hazanavicius. “I am prepared to be booed,” he says.
How CODA Won Best PictureAll season long, Sian Heder’s movie was overshadowed by bigger, starrier contenders. But none of that mattered come final voting.
So You Want to Make Your Own RomaYou’re not a real auteur unless you too have lovingly crafted a semi-autobiographical coming-of-age film.
oscars 2022
Is CODA’s Oscar Momentum for Real?Is the indie dramedy really a sneaky Best Picture contender, or do we just need something new to talk about in the final month of the season?
vulture lists
Batman Chins, RankedOf all the men who have become Batman, who filled out the chin area the best?
The Golden Globes Gave Us a Show After AllThe zombie-Globes still managed to maintain an essential Globes-iness: the sense that everything was five seconds from going completely off the rails.