Survivor — TV Episode Recaps & News


  1. Episode 14 Anything Could Happen
    Survivor Finale Recap: Same Tactics, Same Results With Russell, Parvati, and Sandra in the final three, the jury reveals whether they can forgive and forget.
  2. Episode 13 Loose Lips Sink Ships
    Survivor Recap: I’m Against You, Russell Russell’s Achilles heel — rage at people who he thinks have crossed him — messes with his game.
  3. Episode 12 A Sinking Ship
    Survivor Recap: The Villain Alliance Cracks, As All Alliances Do Russell once again seems to have overplayed his hand, and yet his strategy still wins out.
  4. Episode 11 Jumping Ship
    Survivor Recap: Immunity Idol Tug-o-War Danielle and Amanda wrestle for a clue to the next hidden immunity idol, while a catatonic Colby makes a horrible ref.
  5. Episode 10 Going Down in Flames
    Survivor Recap: This is How You Shock a Tribal Council Tribal council ends with a twist that shocks even the unshockable Russell.
  6. Episode 9 Survivor History
    Survivor Recap: The Best Worst Plan Ever J.T.’s misguided plan to give Russell an immunity idol seemed so smart back at Heroes’ camp …
  7. Episode 8 Expectations
    Survivor Recap: Everything Gets Muddy With Boston Rob out, the Heroes get a very wrong impression of what’s going on at the Villains’ camp.
  8. Episode 7 I’m Not a Good Villain
    Survivor Recap: Boston Rob and Russell’s Thunderdome The Villains’ two masterminds put aside all pretense and fight for control of their tribe.
  9. Episode 6 Banana Etiquette
    Survivor Recap: Well Played Boston Rob and Russell play the ultimate ‘Survivor’ battle of wits.
  10. Episode 4
    Survivor Recap: Let the Blindsiding Begin! The Heroes continue to struggle, and a key alliance crumbles.
  11. Episode 3 “That Girl Is Like a Virus”
    Survivor Recap: Flirting Trumps Fishing Parvati’s winking wiles keep her in the game against all logic.
  12. Episode 2 It’s Getting the Best of Me
    Survivor Recap: Wait, Which Ones Are the Heroes? The Heroes draw lines early while the Villains rally behind an ailing Boston Rob.
  13. Episode 1 Slay Everyone, Trust No One
    Survivor Recap: Heroes, Meet Villains Season twenty begins with a vicious all-star battle on the beach.
  1. Episode 14 It All Boils Down to This
    Survivor: Winners at War Season Finale Recap: Crowning Glory Our champion of champions takes the win with a style of gameplay that never should have won the first time, let alone a second.
  2. Episode 13 The Penultimate Step of the War
    Survivor: Winners at War Recap: Up Close and Personal In a game full of personal stories and complex relationships, the Cops ‘R’ Us partnership stands above the rest.
  3. Episode 12 Friendly Fire
    Survivor: Winners at War Recap: Peanut Butter Fiends When was the last time we saw so many baffling decisions from numerous players across one episode?
  4. Episode 11 This Is Extortion
    Survivor: Winners at War Recap: At All Costs This week’s episode is top-tier Survivor, full of social and strategic maneuvering executed to perfection by one Tony Vlachos.
  5. Episode 10 Full Circle
    Survivor: Winners at War Recap: In Love and War Family visits are nice and all, but cramming in 19 of them makes for a crowded, slapdash episode, even with an extended runtime.
  6. Episode 9 War Is Not Pretty
    Survivor: Winners at War Recap: All Hell Breaks Loose A delightful mix of human drama and chaotic strategy is capped off by an iconic Survivor moment courtesy of Adam.
  7. Episode 8 This Is Where the Battle Begins
    Survivor: Winners at War Recap: Go With the Flow The merge is already a bustling event — add in the Edge, Battle Back, and an Immunity Challenge, and you get a packed, massively entertaining ride.
  8. Episode 7 We’re in the Majors
    Survivor: Winners at War Recap: Out With the Old The Edge of Extinction is looking like a Survivor retirement home at this point.
  9. Episode 6 Quick on the Draw
    Survivor: Winners at War Recap: Double Cross When it’s all said and done, we might have some new legends to carve into that Survivor Mount Rushmore.
  10. Episode 5 The Buddy System on Steroids
    Survivor: Winners at War Recap: Living in the Past A fan-pleasing episode that bubbles with past tension and crisscrossed relationships—and no Edge of Extinction!—is the highlight of the season so far.
  11. Episode 4 I Like Revenge
    Survivor: Winners at War Recap: It’s All a Façade On the surface, it might seem like the Dakal tribe is operating as a cohesive unit, but factions are forming.
  12. Episode 3 Out for Blood
    Survivor Recap: The Cardinal Rule The path to this week’s crushing elimination is paved with confusion and perplexing decisions.
  13. Episode 2 It’s Like a Survivor Economy
    Survivor: Winners at War Recap: Paranoia Will Destroy Ya It’s easy to be consumed by Survivor mania, and if you let it take hold, it can tank your game.
  14. Episode 1 Greatest of the Greats
    Survivor: Winners at War Premiere Recap: Welcome to Fantasy Island A season 20 years in the making kicks off with the return of lots of old favorites (yay!) and the introduction of a new twist (sigh).
  1. Episode 13 One Thing Left to Do…Win
    Survivor Season-Finale Recap: We Have a Winner Our new winner is a first in many respects and deserves the praise.
  2. Episode 12 Truth Kamikaze
    Survivor Recap: Finale Predictions As we head into the finale, let’s see where everyone stands.
  3. Episode 11 Do or Die
    Survivor Recap: Survivor Wants to Do the Right Thing Survivor finally seemings interested in showing the pressures that Black survivors feel playing the game.
  4. Episode 10 Baby with a Machine Gun
    Survivor Recap: Besties, What Happens Now? With the latest shocking blindside, the game has burst wide open.
  5. Episode 9 Who’s Who in the Zoo
    Survivor Recap: Survivor Is Fun Again The show’s newfound lightness has only become more apparent as the season has gone on.
  6. Episode 8 Betraydar
    Survivor Recap: Food Fight! Another day, another live tribal.
  7. Episode 7 There’s Gonna Be Blood
    Survivor Recap: An Episode for the Ricard Books An epic fake out leads to a chaotic tribal council that shows where the true alliances lie.
  8. Episode 6 Ready to Play Like a Lion
    Survivor Recap: Mergeatory An almost merge gives a survivor the opportunity to really shift the game.
  9. Episode 5 The Strategist or the Loyalist
    Survivor Recap: I Am Here to Make Friends Occasionally, when a player is just so good — or perceived to be that way — Survivor can’t help but become a one-person show.
  10. Episode 4 They Hate Me ‘Cause They Ain’t Me
    Survivor Recap: A Survivor Assassin Is Born We haven’t seen a heist like this since Micronesia.
  11. Episode 3 My Million Dollar Mistake
    Survivor Recap: Come Shan or Shine So far, this season has been less about fast-paced New School game play and more about building trusting alliances.
  12. Episode 2 Juggling Chainsaws
    Survivor Recap: All About Evvie Who needs elaborate twists when we have contestants like Evvie?
  13. Episode 1 A New Era
    Survivor Season-Premiere Recap: Come On In! Survivor has a lot riding after a renaissance from pandemic binge-viewing and a controversial handling of a Me Too moment in 2019. It mostly delivers.
  1. Episode 12 Caterpillar to a Butterfly
    Survivor Recap: It’s Time to Break Up One of the most spectacular and elusive moves in Survivor history is pulled off.
  2. Episode 12 It Comes Down to This
    Survivor Season-Finale Recap: A Weird, Wonderful Ending The finale provides a feel-good ending to a stellar season of Survivor.
  3. Episode 11 Battle Royale
    Survivor Recap: Life’s a Gamble Hopefully this is the last we ever see of these twists.
  4. Episode 10 Tell a Good Lie, Not a Stupid Lie
    Survivor Recap: The Puppet Master Converging strategies and a ruthless behind-the-scenes scheme provide a more traditional Survivor episode.
  5. Episode 9 Game of Chicken
    Survivor Recap: Bigger Than the Game “I walked into Tribal, I saw two Black people [on the jury]; I cannot write her name down … morally, I cannot write her name down.”
  6. Episode 8 You Better Be Wearing a Seatbelt
    Survivor Recap: Sit and Wait There was bound to be a lull in the season at some point, despite Jeff’s awkward fourth-wall-breaking monologues.
  7. Episodes 6 - 7 You Can’t Hide on Survivor / The Devil You Do or the Devil You Don’t
    Survivor Recap: The Tori Factor The merge is turbulent and exciting despite the return of the dreaded fake merge-slash-hourglass twist.
  8. Episode 5 I’m Survivor Rich
    Survivor Recap: Given the Cold Shoulder Thanks to a stray vote and a healthy dose of merge paranoia, this season continues to deliver intriguing tribal dynamics and shifting allegiances.
  9. Episode 4 Vibe of the Tribe
    Survivor Recap: Caught Double-Dipping These season 42 castaways are in self-preservation mode already, leading to fragile relationships that fracture easily under pressure.
  10. Episode 3 Go For the Gusto
    Survivor Recap: Choppy Waters The season’s twists and one survivor’s paranoia leads to one of the messiest tribal councils we’ve seen in quite some time.
  11. Episode 2 Good and Guilty
    Survivor Recap: Protect the Balls Another character-focused episode that puts personal stories and human relationships above the twists and advantages of late-stage Survivor.
  12. Episode 1 Feels Like a Rollercoaster
    Survivor Season-Premiere Recap: When Superfan Dreams Become Nightmares It might be another season chock-full of twists and advantages, but the dynamic cast more than makes up for the inconvenience.
  1. Episode 13 Snapping Necks and Cashing Checks
    Survivor Season-Finale Recap: Hiding in Plain Sight A disappointing end to a disappointing season.
  2. Episode 12 Telenovela
    Survivor Recap: Calling the Bluffs A game-changing move all but guarantees Jesse gets into the final four.
  3. Episode 11 Hiding in Plain Sight
    Survivor Recap: Beating the Tides Echoes of Survivor past make this week’s episode a highlight of the season.
  4. Episode 10 Get That Money, Baby
    Survivor Recap: Tears, Tears, and More Tears Noelle joins a prestigious rank of survivors voted out after winning the Loved Ones Challenge.
  5. Episode 9 What About the Big Girls?
    Survivor Recap: Double, Double Toil and Trouble Finally, this season is starting to shift, but is it too little too late?
  6. Episode 8 Preposterous
    Survivor Recap: Subtle? Or Slogging? Another woman was voted out? Color me shocked!
  7. Episode 7 Bull in a China Shop
    Survivor Recap: The Math Ain’t Mathing We’ve made it to the halfway mark, and this season is feeling decidedly mid-tier.
  8. Episode 6 Mergatory
    Survivor Recap: Manic Merge Information has always been currency on Survivor, and that’s never more evident than at the merge.
  9. Episode 5 Stop With All the Niceness
    Survivor Recap: Leading the Blind to the Blind Side Ryan and Geo let their overconfidence fester.
  10. Episode 4 Show No Mercy
  11. Episode 3 I’ll Sign the Divorce Papers
    Survivor Recap: Stop Playing Scared While tensions are rising on Vesi and Baka, Coco is just chilling — until Karla goes exploring.
  12. Episode 2 Loveable Curmudgeon
    Survivor Recap: Beware the Beads Cody pulls off an impressive move that flips the Vesi power dynamics.
  13. Episode 1 LIVIN
    Survivor Season-Premiere Recap: A Supersized Start If this episode is an indicator of the season to come, we’re back to the roots of social-driven Survivor.
  1. Episode 13 Friends Going to War
    Survivor Season-Finale Recap: We Who Are About to Rock It’s a perfectly fine final three and a satisfying winner, but none of it is all that exciting.
  2. Episode 12 Momma Bear
    Survivor Recap: Ave Maria The strongest player might have made their biggest misplay.
  3. Episode 11 My Messy, Sweet Little Friend
    Survivor Recap: The Final Several This might have been the last chance to stop Maria from marching to the end and winning.
  4. Episode 10 Run the Red Light
    Survivor Recap: The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From the Bee’s This will forever be known as the “Applebee’s” episode.
  5. Episode 9 Spicy Jeff
    Survivor Recap: Idol Hands Everyone is way too concerned about their “résumés” while they can’t even organize a simple vote.
  6. Episode 8 Hide ‘N Seek
    Survivor Recap: Mind Your Ps and Qs Q’s game is totally out of control.
  7. Episode 7 Episode Several
    Survivor Recap: Six on the Beach It’s another night of missed opportunities and strange votes.
  8. Episode 6 Cancel Christmas
    Survivor Recap: Call Me by Your Nami The merge has become too predictable. It’s time to switch it up.
  9. Episode 5 Tiki Man
    Survivor Recap: On With the Show The game is finally afoot, just in time for the merge.
  10. Episode 4 Don’t Touch the Oven
    Survivor Recap: Jump for My Love Our long national nightmare is over.
  11. Episode 3 Wackadoodles Win
    Survivor Recap: Things That Don’t Rock Why is Bhanu still here?
  12. Episode 2 Scorpio Energy
    Survivor Recap: Look What You Made Me Do A snoozer of an episode reveals little and doesn’t move the game forward.
  13. Episode 1 This Is Where the Legends Are Made
    Survivor Season-Premiere Recap: From the Gekko Jelinsky is not lying about being a legend because this first episode was all about his legendarily bad gameplay.
  1. Episode 14 The Last Stand
    Survivor Season-Finale Recap: Gone With the Wind Tonight’s finale is the best example yet of how the fire-making challenge continues to be a thorn in the New Era’s side.
  2. Episode 13 Bob and Weave
    Survivor Recap: Tricks and Treats Tonight’s episode certifies this season as one of the best in a long time. Wait, do I like Survivor’s New Era?
  3. Episode 12 Operation: Italy
    Survivor Recap: An Old-School Misdirect It’s episodes like this one that are a reminder of why we watch: manipulation, paranoia, and excellent gameplay coming together.
  4. Episode 11 Flipping the Win Switch
    Survivor Recap: Wobble, Wobble The 90-minute format doesn’t suit episodes in which the vote feels inevitable.
  5. Episode 10 Loyal to the Soil
    Survivor Recap: Shots Through the Heart Gabe and Genevieve’s dominant gameplay finally catches up to them.
  6. Episode 9 Nightmare Fuel
    Survivor Recap: Best Laid Plans Was it worth it, Genevieve?
  7. Episode 8 He’s All That
    Survivor Recap: Dumb Money Well, at least they fixed the Survivor auction.
  8. Episode 7 Our Pickle on Blast
    Survivor Recap: Split Decision The new era has devolved into leaving everything to chance and chaos.
  9. Episode 6 Feel the FOMO
    Survivor Recap: Nero Fiddled Are the new-era players finally wising up and not taking the bait and playing the silly, advantage-filled game the producers want them to play?
  10. Episode 5 The Scales Be Tippin
    Survivor Recap: Chickens Out Survivor gets retro for a perfectly constructed and rewarding episode.
  11. Episode 4 Is That Blood In Your Hair
    Survivor Recap: Caught Red-Handed We finally get a tribal where the outcome isn’t apparent going in, and it makes for riveting gameplay.
  12. Episode 3 Belly of the Beast
    Survivor Recap: A Long Day’s Journey We see what is annoying everyone at camp this week, and I couldn’t be happier.
  13. Episode 2 Epic Boss Girl Move
    Survivor Recap: Technical Knockout It’s yet another idol-obsessed episode.
  14. Episode 1 One Glorious and Perfect Episode
    Survivor Season-Premiere Recap: Raggedy Andy We kick off the season with a truly baffling first vote.
  1. Episode 2 Humble Traits
    Survivor Recap: Lord of the Flies For all the strategic maneuvering, tribal ends in a genuinely confusing blindside.
  2. Episode 1 The Get To Know You Game
    Survivor Season-Premiere Recap: Idol Curiosity Why is everyone forming end-of-game alliances so quickly?

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