Movie Review Archive

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Movie Reviews Archive

April 25, 2005
Capitalist Tools

This brilliant documentary dramatizes the evil that men�and corporations�do.

April 18, 2005
Cynic City

Todd Solondz’s latest satirical drama is too clever by half, and too nasty by three-quarters.

April 11, 2005
Kicking and Screaming

Kung Fu Hustle�a thrilling, dreamy action comedy�gives chaos a good name.

April 4, 2005
Rough Justice

The visually stunning Sin City has grit to spare and a thrilling undercurrent of morality.

March 28, 2005
Knock Woody

Melinda and Melinda tells the same story twice, as comedy and then tragedy�and misfires at both.

March 14, 2005
Tragically Unhip

Be Coolis a dated, second-rate Elmore Leondard sequel, riddled with icky undercurrents.

March 7, 2005
Hit Job

The documentary Gunner Palace takes aim at the wrong target: young soldiers stuck in Iraq.

February 28, 2005
Return of the Repressed

Imaginary Heroes is second-rank family drama, except for a standout performance by Sigourney Weaver.

February 28, 2005
February 21, 2005
Hell’s Angeleno

Keanu Reeves makes pleasing metaphysical sport of himself in the noir-comics vehicle Constantine.