Movie Review Archive

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Movie Reviews Archive

February 14, 2005
Porn, Again

A sharp and thought-provoking documentary revisits the skin flick’s age of innocence.

January 24, 2005
Pro Formula

Even in lackluster roles, Laurence Fishburne and Samuel L. Jackson light up the screen.

January 12, 2004
Prescient Tense

Re-creating the carnage of fifties Algeria—bombings, assassinations, police torture—The Battle of Algiers is as relevant today as it was in 1965.

January 10, 2005
Man Overboard

The Sea Inside is a classy tearjerker, starring Javier Bardem as a quadriplegic with a case.

January 3, 2005
Small Blunders

In two earnest indies, Sean Penn and John Travolta aim for authenticity�and miss by a mile.

December 20, 2004
Emperor of the Air

Martin Scorsese regains his form with the Howard Hughes biopic� Leo DiCaprio vehicle The Aviator.

December 13, 2004
Half-Baked Dozen

Steven Soderbergh and George Clooney return in Ocean’s Twelve, a sequel so fizzy it nearly fizzles out.

December 6, 2004
Original Cynics

In Mike Nichols’s smart, sexy Closer, beautiful people get their hearts smashed into tiny bits.

November 29, 2004
The Big Picture

Oliver Stone’s ambition pays off in this lusty historical epic, full of elephants and eye contact.

November 22, 2004
Boys 2 Men

In Almodóvar’s poignant new drama, gender twists like a corkscrew and first love lasts forever.