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Features Archive

January 16, 2012
The Transsexual Escort With Married Clients Who Know Exactly What They’re Buying

"Most of my clients consider themselves straight. I consider them bisexual."

January 16, 2012
The Ex-Lehman Banker Who Doesn’t Get Why People Hate Bankers

�That’s what Wall Street is like. You’re just waiting to get killed off.�

January 16, 2012
The Per Se Waiter on Diners Who Vomit Up Their $500 Meals

�Per Se actually has a list of people who aren’t allowed to go back.�

January 16, 2012
The Firefighter Who Doesn’t Recognize His Own Department Anymore

"Since 9/11, I don’t think the city has done anything for us."

January 16, 2012
The New York 'Times' Reporter on the New Era of Page One

"Jill Abramson cares more about domestic, and she certainly cares more about Washington."

January 16, 2012
The ER Pediatrics Doctor Who Likes Overbearing Mothers

"With pediatrics, oftentimes, there’s not only the mom and dad, sisters and brothers, but sometimes there’s the grandparents�it’s like an audience."

January 16, 2012
Pvt. Danny Chen, 1992�2011

He was 19 years old, a scrawny six-four, and wanted nothing more than to join the Army. Just like so many other young men. But very few from Chinatown.

January 16, 2012
The Parole Officer Who Thinks Parolees Are Doomed

The system is designed to make you fail.

January 16, 2012
The Doorman Who Likes to Watch

"We can tell if someone’s a shopaholic or when they drink too much."

January 16, 2012
The Bikini Waxer With an Aversion to Female Anatomy

"Everyone thinks they’re the hairiest person in the world. Nine times out of ten, they’re not."