Cobra Kai Recap: DragonslayerThat ending with John Kreese and Terry Silver made me gasp, crack up, and rewind multiple times.
ByBen Rosenstock
Cobra Kai Recap: My Right FootIn its finale moments, Cobra Kai revisits the disturbing moment at the end of The Karate Kid that inspired Johnny Lawrence’s underdog arc as an adult.
Cobra Kai Recap: ParenthoodThis episode has it all: a little relationship drama, a little karate, and a new appearance from a character from the movies.
Cobra Kai Recap: Dirty DancingThe first half of a two-part season finale reminds us about all the relationships and conflicting motivations that make this a fight worth fighting.
Cobra Kai Recap: Tournament of LiesIf Daniel, Johnny, and Kreese want City Council to believe that karate isn’t about fighting, couldn’t they agree not to fight over their tournament?
Cobra Kai Recap: The Chozen OneAn underground Dee Snyder concert, some old-man karate, and a battle in an abandoned laser tag arena — what more could a Cobra Kai fan ask for?