Peter Sarsgaard - Vulture
Displaying all articles tagged:

Peter Sarsgaard

  1. movie review
    September 5 Is Almost Nauseatingly SuspensefulWe know what happened at Munich in 1972, yet we find ourselves living through the events as if their outcome was unwritten.
  2. movie review
    Jessica Chastain and Peter Sarsgaard Are So Weirdly Right Together in MemoryNot a lot of Michel Franco’s somber drama makes sense, but it’s a movie clearly meant to be carried by its leads.
  3. speeches
    Peter Sarsgaard Moves Venice Film Festival With Touching SpeechThe Memory star dedicates his performance to a special member of his family.
  4. bat news
    Peter Sarsgaard Drives Up the Population of Gotham As Latest Batman AdditionBat news, everybody.
  5. sundance 2019
    Peter Sarsgaard Needs to Work on His Elevator PitchWhat does silence sound like, and what does sound feel like?
  6. vulture recommends
    Jackie Is the Perfect Fourth of July Movie for Your American DespairSobbing Natalie Portman stars in the perfect horror movie for our times.
  7. vulture festival 2018
    James Carville/Mary Matalin Film in Works from Gyllenhaal and SarsgaardThe famed political couple might get the Hollywood treatment.
  8. tv review
    The Looming Tower Is Basically Law & Order: Bin Laden UnitThe Hulu miniseries is frustratingly not-quite-there account of the run-up to the 9/11 attacks.
  9. woody allen
    Peter Sarsgaard Says He Won’t Work With Woody Allen AgainSarsgaard appeared on Meet the Press Daily.
  10. Errol Morris Probes Government Mind-Control and LSD in the Wormwood TrailerTrue crime gets psychedelic.
  11. casting couch
    Peter Sarsgaard Joins Javier Bardem and Penélope Cruz in EscobarSarsgaard will play a DEA agent.
  12. On Peter Sarsgaard’s Magnificent Seven VillainThe actor gives a weird, risky performance in an otherwise straight movie.
  13. chat room
    Peter Sarsgaard on Experimenter’s Scary Science“We all live in a kind of social experiment that has different levels of reality.”
  14. casting couch
    Peter Sarsgaard Will Not Be on Twin Peaks After AllAn update.
  15. last night on late night
    Taraji and Will Forte Angrily Swipe Their DesksHulk smash!
  16. cast interview
    The Slap’s All-Star Cast on Smacking a ChildConsensus: It’s not okay.
  17. trailer mix
    Night Moves Trailer: L’eggo My Eco(terrorism)Jesse Eisenberg, Dakota Fanning, and Peter Sarsgaard play radical environmentalists who blow up a dam.
  18. movie review
    Edelstein: Lovelace Lets Down Its SubjectThe porn star biopic never goes deep enough.
  19. party chat
    Sharon Stone Has Never Watched Porn; Peter Sarsgaard Likes Scandinavian PornRevelations from the Lovelace carpet.
  20. casting couch
    The Killing Adds Peter SarsgaardAs a death row inmate.
  21. casting
    Jesse Eisenberg, Dakota Fanning Join Terrorist Film Night MovesFrom director Kelly Reichardt (Meek’s Cutoff).
  22. Louis C.K. and Andrew Dice Clay Part of the Totally Normal Cast of Woody […]OK, here’s the cast in alphabetical order: Alec Baldwin, Cate Blanchett, Louis C.K., Bobby Cannavale, Andrew Dice Clay, Michael Emerson, Sally […]
  23. casting
    Louis C.K., Andrew Dice Clay to Join Woody Allen FilmUnusual!
  24. casting
    Amanda Seyfried Will Play Linda Lovelace NowAlongside Peter Sarsgaard.
  25. theater review
    Sarsgaard and Gyllenhaal in The Three Sisters as Robert Altman Cocktail HourEveryone is slightly miscast in Austin Pendleton’s take on Chekhov’s Sisters–and mostly that works to this production’s advantage.
  26. Green Lantern Villain Looks FamiliarHe’s related to Cher.
  27. the industry
    Jack Bauer to Kill Terrorists on the Big ScreenPlus: Tim Robbins to sire Peter Sarsgaard.
  28. sarsgaards
    Peter Sarsgaard to Make Trouble for Green LanternPeter Sarsgaard is reportedly in talks with Warner Bros. to play the villain opposite Ryan Reynold’s Green Lantern.
  29. hollywood elder statesmen
    Morgan Freeman Keeps Things Real at Actors RoundtableFreeman burst out laughing after making Nicholas Cage admit he hasn’t smoked crack, for example.
  30. spoilers
    So What’s Orphan’s Surprise Ending, Anyway?What could possibly be so shocking? And what if you’re like us and are too afraid to sit through a horror movie to find out? Not to worry!
  31. trailer mix
    An Education Trailer Plants the Seeds for Your Upcoming Crush on Carey MulliganA star is born!
  32. unions
    Maggie Gyllenhaal and Peter Sarsgaard Get HitchedCongratulations to the happy couple!
  33. awesome
    Peter Sarsgaard, Maggie Gyllenhaal Present a Very Indie Uncle VanyaThe real-life couple takes on the Chekhov play starting January 17.
  34. the industry
    Emma Thompson, Peter Sarsgaard Contribute to Nick Hornby’s ‘Education’Plus: Marisa Tomei, Darren Aronofsky, and Renée Zellweger.
  35. quote machine
    Bruce Springsteen Will Not Retire If Outsold by 50 CentPlus: Quotes from Peter Saarsgard and Francis Ford Coppola!
  36. the industry
    Frank Langella Declares Victory Over Warren Beatty