Why Did These YouTubers Give Away Their Son?Myka and James Stauffer adopted a toddler from China and shared every step of the process with their online audience. Except the last.
ByCaitlin Moscatello
Do You Want This Raw Milkmaid Dress?Conservative Women’s Magazine Evie released an almost $200 dress, proving that tradwife-core has officially gone too far.
Is Your Beauty Sleep Extreme Enough?The only way to wake up pretty — according to TikTok, at least — is to go to bed “ugly” with a pink chin strap wrapped around your skull.
The Meatfluencers Who’ve Sworn Off Veggies“Carnivore diets” have cured them of skin, gut, and energy issues. But is it actually healthy, or are their followers falling for the rage clickbait?
The ‘Glow Down’ Is the New Glow UpAfter years of time-consuming skin-care routines, med-spa visits, and plastic-surgery before-and-afters, some creators are now reversing it all.
ByLaura Pitcher
internet drama
Dancing in the Name of the LordThe “cult” claims about a TikTok-famous set of performers shocked everyone — except L.A.’s dancefluencer community.
So Was Body Positivity ‘All a Big Lie’?If we all want to be skinny again — and we have “miracle drugs” to get us there — can we still love ourselves at any size?