Outlander Recap: How I Met My FatherSometimes, you can forget Outlander is a fantasy series, but this week, the show uses the time travel of it all to its storytelling advantage.
Outlander Recap: A Funny Way to Say Thank YouOutlander gives us one of the most unhinged sequences on television as Jamie and Claire “reunite,” and Lord John Grey runs for his life.
Outlander Recap: Stupid Hero ComplexWe need more Claire and Jamie angsting about life and less Benedict Arnold. Ideally, this is a show about hot Scottish people having sex.
Outlander Recap: The War DetourTom Christie serves his only purpose: making Claire and Jamie all horny over a bit of jealousy.
ByMaggie Fremont
Outlander Recap: Dreams About LandlinesWe’re getting vows of revenge, tearful good-byes, visiting the 1980s, and, yep, making plans for a return to Scotland.
ByMaggie Fremont
Outlander Recap: Chekhov’s EtherA packed episode kicks off with a bombshell, ends with an explosion, and in between delivers one of the most moving scenes of this whole series.