Upfronts 2013 - Vulture
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Upfronts 2013

  1. upfronts 2013
    Why the Upfronts Are Still Important (But Probably Won’t Be Forever)There’s a reason the networks spend so much on shrimp and Stoli every spring, and it’s not that they like to party.
  2. upfronts 2013
    Here Are the New CW ShowsVampires and aliens!
  3. upfronts 2013
    USA Picks Up Two Original ComediesOne from Denis Leary, one from Jessica St. Clair and Lennon Parham.
  4. upfronts 2013
    Seitz: Snap Judgments on CBS’s New ShowsVulture’s TV critic weighs in.
  5. upfronts 2013
    The CW Fall Schedule Has Changes on Every NightThe Vampire Diaries spinoff is headed for Tuesday, while Samantha will pop up on The Carrie Diaries.
  6. upfronts 2013
    Here Are the New CBS ComediesWill you laugh?
  7. upfronts 2013
    Here Are the New CBS DramasPeruse at your leisure.
  8. upfronts 2013
    The 7 Things We Learned at the CBS UpfrontRobin Williams remembers a more coke-happy time.
  9. upfronts 2013
    CBS Really, Really Wants to Make You LaughThe network’s new schedule bets big on new comedies.
  10. vulture lists
    The 13 Rules for Creating a Prestige TV DramaStep 1: Start with an anti-hero.
  11. upfronts 2013
    TNT, TBS Want Cops, Diablo Cody, Monopoly ShowsAnd a cop comedy from Steve and Nancy Carell.
  12. upfronts 2013
    CBS’s New Schedule Tweaks Comedy LineupsFour new comedies, one new drama for the fall.
  13. upfronts 2013
    Seitz: Snap Judgments on ABC’s New ShowsVulture’s TV critic weighs in.
  14. upfronts 2013
    The 9 Things We Learned at the ABC UpfrontPeople love when Jimmy Kimmel insults them!
  15. Here Are the New ABC ComediesThey’re very proud of Rebel Wilson, can you tell?
  16. upfronts 2013
    Here Are the New ABC DramasCollect ‘em all.
  17. upfronts 2013
    ABC’s New Schedule: A Big Bet on Branding Over RatingsIt’s all about the power of “sticky.”
  18. upfronts 2013
    Seitz: Snap Judgments on FOX’s New ShowsVulture’s TV critic weighs in.
  19. upfronts 2013
    In Fourth Place for a Second Season, ABC Decides to Radically Remake Its LineupChanges on most every night of the week
  20. upfronts 2013
    The 9 Things We Learned at the Fox UpfrontMust everything be so awkward?
  21. upfronts 2013
    Here Are the New Fox ComediesWatch ‘em all.
  22. Here Are Fox’s New DramasSleepy Hollow, Greg Kinnear, and a robo-cop. Not the Robocop. But a cop who is a robot.
  23. upfronts 2013
    Fox Schedule: Spending Big to Find More HitsUnpacking the network’s new lineup.
  24. Ron Swanson’s Dream Shows, and 9 Other Things We Learned at the NBC UpfrontA Ron and Leslie joke reel preceded the industry crowd warming to Welcome to the Family.
  25. upfronts 2013
    Seitz: Snap Judgments on NBC’s New ShowsVulture’s TV critic weighs in.
  26. upfronts 2013
    Homeland Casting Directors on Finding Sexy SaulOn Claire Danes: “Her face is expressive, but she also really knows how to be blank sometimes.”
  27. upfronts 2013
    Here Are NBC’s New DramasCops and vampires, just like you asked for, America.
  28. upfronts 2013
    Here Are The New NBC ComediesSean Hayes, Michael J. Fox, teen pregnancy.
  29. upfronts 2013
    24’s Coming Back As a Limited MiniseriesThere’s more 24 in store for hordes of fans.
  30. upfronts 2013
    See a Teaser for Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.The footage contains an actual shield, too.
  31. upfronts 2013
    Fox’s New Fall Schedule Makes Big Bet on Sci-Fi (and Andy Samberg)Plus, New Girl will air after the Super Bowl.
  32. upfronts 2013
    NBC’s New Schedule: Proud to Be a (Middle-of-the-Road) PeacockRobert Greenblatt isn’t trying to impress critics anymore.
  33. upfronts 2013
    In Conversation: Vince Gilligan on the End of Breaking BadKnee-deep in edits for the final season, which premieres in August, the creator of television’s darkest drama talks with Lane Brown.
  34. upfronts 2013
    The Persistent Cult of Arrested DevelopmentThe show was too weird and self-referential to really succeed on network TV, especially in 2003. But times have changed, and now so has television.
  35. upfronts 2013
    CBS Orders James Van Der Beek SitcomFriends with Better Lives.
  36. upfronts 2013
    Seitz: How to Direct a TV DramaMy auteurist theory of television.
  37. upfronts 2013
    Michael Douglas on Playing LiberaceAfter what he went through these past few years, the part was a piece of frosted cake.
  38. upfronts 2013
    NBC Is Totally Remaking Thursdays Next FallParenthood is also moving.
  39. culturati caucus
    The Upfronts Caucus: Insiders on Their TV HabitsWe surveyed 49 TV stars, executives, and showrunners to find out which series they love, whose performances they admire, and more.
  40. R.I.P., Happy Endings and SmashPlus, so many new shows, including Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
  41. upfronts 2013
    NBC Passes on John Mulaney’s PilotBoooo.
  42. upfronts 2013
    And Here Are CBS’s Pickups, TooJosh Holloway, Toni Collette comin’ atcha.
  43. upfronts 2013
    Adult Swim Announces Zach Galifianakis Pilot and More at UpfrontsReal show Mike Tyson Mysteries also announced.
  44. upfronts 2013
    A Fifth Season of Community Is All But a Done DealMore Troy and Abed in the Morning!
  45. upfronts 2013
    NBC Picks Up Ironside, Cuts Go OnUndateable got picked up, too.
  46. upfronts 2013
    Hayden Panettiere on Nashville’s Season Two“Even if the show didn’t go on, I would always want to have some sort of a base in Nashville.”
  47. upfronts 2013
    The CW Wants The Carrie Diaries, New ShowsIncluding a series about a teenage Mary Queen of Scots.
  48. upfronts 2013
    NBC Nixes Whitney, ABC Nears S.H.I.E.L.D. OrderNBC also gave three other shows the axe.
  49. upfronts 2013
    NBC Picks Up About a Boy, J.J. Abrams DramaAmong others.
  50. upfronts 2013
    Upfronts Pregame Analysis: CBS Rules the WorldMore people, even young people, watch it than any other network.
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