Girls - TV Episode Recaps & News


  1. Episode 10 She Did
    Girls Recap: Mystery Party It’s so nice to see everyone all dressed up like real people.
  2. Episode 9 Leave Me Alone
    Girls Recap: Is Hannah the Problem? Does anyone else want our main character to stop slumping around the room and complaining?
  3. Episode 8 Weirdos Need Girlfriends Too
    Girls Recap: Screaming Males Now we know who’s buying the apartments in those giant high-rises by the water in Williamsburg. That guy.
  4. Episode 7 Welcome to Bushwick (aka The Crackcident)
    Girls Recap: The Bloody Noses of Bushwick The girls head to deepest Brooklyn for a party. Crack is possibly taken.
  5. Episode 6 The Return
    Girls Recap: Home Sweet Home We see from whence Hannah came, as she heads back to Michigan.
  6. Episode 5 Hard Being Easy
    Girls Recap: All for the Story It appears that all Hannah wants is a good story.
  7. Episode 4 Hannah’s Diary
    Girls Recap: The Ballad of Bald Charlie Alert the media! Some people of color have arrived! Secretaries and nannies, of course.
  8. Episode 3 All Adventurous Women Do
    Girls Recap: Robyn Heals All Wounds Hannah confronts her gay ex-boyfriend and Marnie gets seduced by the Lonely Island.
  9. Episode 2 Vagina Panic
    Girls Recap: Sex Problems Abortion, ill-advised date-rape jokes, and a little Tasti-D-Lite.
  10. Episode 1 Pilot
    Girls Recap: You’re on Your Own, Kid Now that every critic possible has written about it, Lena Dunham’s HBO series finally airs its first episode.
  1. Episode 10 Together
    Girls Recap: I’ve Always Been Here Girls hasn’t been much of a fairy tale this season, but pinch me if Adam isn’t the shirtless Prince Charming of our generation.
  2. Episode 9 On All Fours
    Girls Recap: Girls, Interrupted Girls seems intent on dragging us through the uncomfortable muck of real life.
  3. Episode 8 It’s Back
    Girls Recap: In Which All the Girls Are Sad Messes This was an episode that, like Adam’s old glass of milk, soured in our mouth.
  4. Episode 7 Video Games
    Girls Recap: Going Up the Country This week, instead of in a Greenpoint brownstone, Hannah ends up in a bucolic farmhouse upstate.
  5. Episode 6 Boys
    Girls Recap: Bad Bromance! The boys take a trip to Staten Island and Hannah gets an e-book deal.
  6. Episode 5 One Man’s Trash
    Girls Recap: Fake Husband, Real Brownstone We’re reminded how rare it is on Girls to cross paths with single adult males with their stuff together.
  7. Episode 4 It’s A Shame About Ray
    Girls Recap: The Monday Blues Like Dunham’s Tiny Furniture, this was a very funny episode for not having any jokes.
  8. Episode 3 Bad Friend
    Girls Recap: Cocaine Blues We know what Hannah thinks, but who’s really the bad friend here?
  9. Episode 2 I Get Ideas
    Girls Recap: Bonfire of the Boyfriends Bye, guy from Community!
  10. Episode 1 It’s About Time
    Girls Recap: Boyfriend Redux Hannah is still Hannah.
  1. Episode 12 Two Plane Rides
    Girls Season 3 Finale Recap: One of Those Artist Couples “Can’t one thing ever be easy with you?”
  2. Episode 11 I Saw You
    Girls Recap: It Just Hurts to Be a Shell Shosh’s superpower may be to arrive at the most cutting truth by the ditziest route possible.
  3. Episode 10 Role Play
    Girls Recap: Play With Me A blonde wig and some naughty underthings can’t solve every problem.
  4. Episode 9 Flo
    Girls Recap: Cathy Cartoons “It’s not easy being married to an odd man.”
  5. Episode 8 Incidentals
    Girls Recap: The Broadway Scene This week, we see even more of the person Hannah is when she has a job.
  6. Episode 7 Beach House
    Girls Recap: The Time of My Life Hannah and Co. head to a beach house on Long Island. And it’s totally chill and no one fights or anything.
  7. Episode 6 Free Snacks
    Girls Recap: Advertorial For the first time this season, Girls felt like it was on Hannah’s side.
  8. Episode 5 Only Child
    Girls Recap: The True Struggles of Humanity Hannah really needs to start paying attention to what’s going on around her.
  9. Episode 4 Dead Inside
    Girls Recap: Fat-Free Muffin of Sociopathic Detachment “Are you going to call me self-involved too?
  10. Episode 3 She Said OK
    Girls Recap: Enjoy Your Evening, Enjoy Your Life “It’s really amazing that the four of you have accomplished so little in the four years since college.”
  11. Episodes 1 - 2 Females Only/Truth or Dare
    Girls Season Three Premiere Recap: Neanderthal Sex Addict Sociopath Girls has always been about unreliable narrators, but in the third season, it’s counting us among them.
  1. Episode 10 Home Birth
    Girls Recap: Lean In The show gets another bittersweet end, but this year it deserves it.
  2. Episode 9 Daddy Issues
    Girls Recap: Your Daddy Is a Daddy Reality’s a bitch.
  3. Episode 8 Tad & Loreen & Avi & Shanaz
    Girls Recap: Not Not About Me There are so many things going wrong here, and I have a feeling they’re about to get so much worse.
  4. Episode 7 Ask Me My Name
  5. Episode 6 Close Up
    Girls Recap: I Can’t Do, So I’ll Teach! This week finds Marnie and Shoshana in peak hilarious form, while Hannah’s revelations articulate just why this show can sometimes be frustrating.
  6. Episode 5 Sit-In
    Girls Recap: A Puzzle With No Possible Solution Hannah throws a masterfully immature hissy fit, which raises the question about whether there’s any hope left for her redemption.
  7. Episode 4 Cubbies
  8. Episode 3 Female Author
  9. Episode 2 Triggering
    Girls Recap: MFAches and Pains Hannah’s adjusting to Iowa exactly how you’d expect her to.
  10. Episode 1 Iowa
    Girls Season 4 Premiere Recap: It’s All Fluid “Iowa” is one of the strongest episodes the show has had yet.
  1. Episode 10 I Love You Baby
    Girls Season Finale Recap: She’s Gonna Make It After All Hannah ends the fifth season in spectacular fashion.
  2. Episode 9 Love Stories
    Girls Recap: Falling in Love Is Hannah finally learning to see outside of herself?
  3. Episode 8 Homeward Bound
    Girls Recap: Why Am I Here? Yes, Laird and Caroline are still calling their child Sample.
  4. Episode 7 Hello Kitty
    Girls Recap: Witnesses Hannah Horvath will never be easy to love or easy to hate.
  5. Episode 6 The Panic in Central Park
    Girls Recap: A Blast From Marnie’s Past “Everyone is an asshole when they’re 22 years old.”
  6. Episode 5 Queen for Two Days
    Girls Recap: Spring Queening While Jessa and Adam quietly get serious, Hannah heads off to a feminist retreat with her mom.
  7. Episode 4 Old Loves
    Girls Recap: I Need Space Marnie 2.0 is kind, patient, and comforting. It’s weird.
  8. Episode 3 Japan
    Girls Recap: Goofy Nudes Shosh has a brand-new life in Japan.
  9. Episode 2 Good Man
    Girls Recap: Destroying Each Other It’s hard not to keep thinking about the end of Girls.
  10. Episode 1 Wedding Day
    Girls Recap: One Wedding, No Funerals Hannah and Co. return for Marnie’s big day.
  1. Episode 10 Latching
    Girls Series-Finale Recap: I Got It The problem of how to end Girls has always rested on the problem of what we want from Hannah.
  2. Episode 9 Goodbye Tour
    Girls Recap: We’re All Just Doing Our Best The real ending here is these four characters’ relationship with one another.
  3. Episode 8 What Will We Do This Time About Adam?
    Girls Recap: Too Much History Girls is going out on such a high note.
  4. Episode 7 The Bounce
    Girls Recap: Let Me Be Your Star “The Bounce” turns attention to Elijah Krantz, Broadway dreamer.
  5. Episode 6 Full Disclosure
    Girls Recap: Someone Else to Consider While Hannah seems to be pulling herself together, Marnie has been totally hollowed out.
  6. Episode 5 Gummies
    Girls Recap: Semi-Charmed Kinda Life Change is coming, and Girls is looking ahead. But it’s also looking back.
  7. Episode 4 Painful Evacuation
    Girls Recap: Matters of Life and Death Let’s talk about Hannah’s big reveal in “Painful Evacuation.”
  8. Episode 3 American Bitch
    Girls Recap: When She Was Good “American Bitch” is a challenging, fascinating, and extremely self-aware episode.
  9. Episode 2 Hostage Situation
    Girls Recap: The Third Wheel Hannah and Marnie are finally on the upswing.
  10. Episode 1 All I Ever Wanted
    Girls Season Premiere Recap: She’s So High Is Hannah Horvath finally growing up?

More on Girls

  1. guessing games
    What Will Be the Girls Finale’s Closing Credits Song?The Vulture staff’s best guesses.
  2. vulture lists
    Hannah Horvath’s Highs and Lows, by the NumbersFreelance pieces Hannah has published, that we know of: 6.
  3. backstories
    What 6 Seasons of Girls Posters Tell Us About the Show“Almost getting it kind of together.”
  4. reality check
    Hannah on Girls Could Not Have Gotten That JobThe show has always had a fraught relationship with realism.
  5. goodbye to all that
    The ‘Goodbye to New York’ Essay Girls’ Hannah Horvath Probably WroteHannah would never resist a Joan Didion-style goodbye.
  6. girls talk
    Shoshanna on Girls Is ‘Adulting,’ But Has She Really Grown Up?Kudos for being honest with your friends and everything, but what is up with your new insta-life?
  7. close reads
    How Girls Breaks the Traditional Rules of the Friendship ComedyThe HBO series was always about what happens when young women grow up and grow apart.
  8. backstories
    Lena Dunham Has Known Where Hannah Would End Up on Girls Since Season 2“Considering I spent the rest of my life working with Planned Parenthood, it was fun to not make it a political choice.”
  9. Andrew Rannells Is Happy to Play Gay Men (As Long As They’re Not Too Relatable)On the eve of the Girls finale, the actor recounts his audition horror stories, the anal-sex tutorial he led on set, and the roles he’s being offered.
  10. missing people
    Shoshanna Has Had Less Screen Time Than Desi on This Season of GirlsWe break down the main characters’ screen time.
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