Love Is Blind UK — TV Episode Recaps & News

Love Is Blind UK

  1. Episode 12 The Reunion
  2. Episodes 10 - 11 Week 3 (Episodes 10-11)
    Love Is Blind: UK Season-Finale Recap: ‘Don’t Hug Me’ Whatever the results of the finale, we should all take solace in the fact that Freddie, the hot funeral director, comes away still charming and hot.
  3. Episodes 5 - 9 Week 2 (Episodes 5-9)
    Love Is Blind: UK Recap: Momzillas and Mortgages Have we seen a mom as heinously mean as Jasmine’s?
  4. Episodes 1 - 4 Week 1 (Episodes 1-4)
    Love Is Blind: UK Series-Premiere Recap: ‘I Made a Mistake’ It should take hard work to come off as badly as Sam.

The Latest on Love Is Blind

  1. pod goss
    Love Is Blind’s Monica Admits She Should’ve Called Off Her Engagement to Joey“Watching it back, it’s like, ‘Girl, he’s not at the same level you are.’”
  2. roll clip!
    Virginia Outlines Her LIB-eral Values at Season-8 Reunion“I still don’t really feel comfortable telling you Devin’s views, but I will be really clear about mine,” she says in new Love Is Blind reunion clip.
  3. nice is different than good
    Love Is Blind Season 8 Power RankingsYou already know where Dave ranks.
  4. chat room
    Love Is Blind’s Dave Still Seeks His Sister’s Approval for All His RelationshipsBut claims fans are blowing his references to her “out of proportion.”
  5. what’s happening?
    The Love Is Blind TikTok-cusations, ExplainedWe know that Ben and Sara saw a TikTok that accused Ben of … something, and it was a big deal. But what actually happened?
  6. close read
    Love Is Blind Can’t Keep Up With the DiscourseSeason eight is stuck in the same superficial relationship to social media it finds so concerning for its participants.
  7. chat room
    LIB’s Lauren Thinks the Other Guy Just Wanted to Be on TV“He was like, ‘But do you wanna talk in person?’ And my first reaction was, Oh, do you want to get a camera op?
  8. a bad idea worth considering
    Make the Men on Love Is Blind Date AI WomenIt’s what they’ve been asking for the whole time.
  9. do your job
    Love Is Blind Producers Should Have Forced These Two Couples to Get EngagedYou’re telling us we have to watch a couples’ vacation that does not involve Madison at all?
  10. love is blind
    Mason Horacek Knows He Did Love Is Blind All Wrong “Out of context, I don’t expect people to know what I went through.”
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