The Challenge — TV Episode Recaps & News

The Challenge

  1. Episode 19 The World Is Not Enough
    The Challenge: Double Agents Season-Finale Recap: Win Some, Lose Some Overall, the melodrama of this final was worth a pretty lukewarm season.
  2. Episode 18 No Time to Die
    The Challenge: Double Agents Recap: Running Up That Hill The events of this episode are Greek in tragedy, biblical in moralism, Tarantino-esque in carnage, and Fessy-ian in pettiness.
  3. Episode 17 True Lies
    The Challenge: Double Agents Recap: Now or Never Congrats, Fessy. You’ve officially won me over by being the worst!
  4. Episode 17 Drop Dead
    The Challenge: Spies, Lies & Allies Recap: Drop It Like It’s Hot The players lock-in and eliminate distractions as they approach the homestretch.
  5. Episode 16 A Most Wanted Man
    The Challenge: Double Agents Recap: A House Divided For some reason, this week we get another standard episode even though everyone has a skull.
  6. Episode 15 Never Say Never Again
    The Challenge: Double Agents Recap: The Plot Against Aneesa Aneesa is finally realizing her veteran status means nothing to these younger competitors, and even some of her peers.
  7. Episode 14 The Best of Enemies
    The Challenge: Double Agents Recap: Shook Ones The force field that’s been protecting Leroy this entire game has finally been penetrated. For now.
  8. Episode 13 The Spy Who Loved Fessy
    The Challenge: Double Agents Recap: Girls Just Wanna Have Fessy A week with hardly any stakes culminates in a rejection that all but one person saw coming.
  9. Episode 12 Tinker, Tailor, Bunny, Spy
    The Challenge: Double Agents Recap: Big Trust Issues What Big T goes through over the span of five minutes in this episode is now my worst nightmare.
  10. Episode 11 An Inconvenient Goof
    The Challenge: Double Agents Recap: Security Breach Now that the game is winding down, it’s time for the underdogs to either rise to the occasion or just go home.
  11. Episode 10 Amber Alert
    The Challenge: Double Agents Recap: Irreconcilable Differences What is the subtext for all this tension between Lolo and Nam?
  12. Episode 9 Lady Vengeance
    The Challenge: Double Agents Recap: Trivial Pursuit Let’s celebrate the season’s midpoint by watching a bunch of gym rats plummet into freezing water because they don’t know who invented the telephone.
  13. Episode 8 A Muddy Matter
    The Challenge: Double Agents Recap: Natural Born Killas A refreshing episode features fewer boring conversations, more physical competition, and a long-awaited explosion from ticking time bomb Lolo Jones.
  14. Episode 7 Die Another Jay
    The Challenge: Double Agents Recap: Loose Lips Sink Ships Whether it’s bad producing or competitors being overly dramatic, the emotional stakes in this whole Jay scenario just don’t feel real.
  15. Episode 6 From Theresa With Love
    The Challenge: Double Agents Recap: Another Round Everyone is just performing at this point!
  16. Episode 5 Skyfall
    The Challenge: Double Agents Recap: The Weakest Link  The female rookies’ reign of terror has officially begun.
  17. Episode 4 Duplicity
    The Challenge: Double Agents Recap: Fess/Off You really know people hate you when everyone claps for the person you just beat in a competition.
  18. Episode 3 Enemy of the State
    The Challenge: Double Agents Recap: Barefoot and Provoked Thank you for your service, Josh. This episode was a hoot.
  19. Episode 2 Dive Another Day
    The Challenge: Double Agents Recap: A Hot Fess The breakneck speed at which Fessy has somehow become the king of The Challenge is wild to witness.
  20. Episode 1 License to Killer Kam
    The Challenge: Double Agents Premiere Recap: Every Champ Must Go Oh, these producers are preparing us for some MESS.
  1. Episode 19 The Decision
    The Challenge: Spies, Lies & Allies Finale Recap: Race to Rich Mountain Let’s hope that a predictable finale is enough to be a wake-up call to shake things up in future seasons.
  2. Episode 18 Night Of Mistakes
    The Challenge: Spies, Lies & Allies Recap: Final Countdown The relationships among these players never cease to be confusing.
  3. Episode 16 Riverdance
  4. Episode 15 The Cave Of The Wolf
    The Challenge: Spies, Lies & Allies Recap: True Colors How can someone let Devin, out of all people, assume the moral high ground on literally anything?
  5. Episode 14 Mavericks
  6. Episode 13 Titanic
    The Challenge: Spies, Lies & Allies Recap: Sink or Swim The veterans are united and the pecking order seems impenetrable, leading to a lack of power moves, explosive moments, or anything worth watching.
  7. Episode 12 500
    The Challenge: Spies, Lies & Allies Recap: The 500 Club It’s regrettable the more interesting, devious rookies left earlier in the season, because we’re stuck with the lackluster vets.
  8. Episode 11 Mucus Plug
    The Challenge: Spies, Lies & Allies Recap: Better Off Ed The Challenge is in a very delicate place.
  9. Episode 10 Precious Stones
    The Challenge: Spies, Lies & Allies Recap: Cell-shocked The twist that we all predicted already has finally arrived.
  10. Episode 9 The War
    The Challenge: Spies, Lies & Allies Recap: Trust Issues Now it’s that time in the season when players pretend they’re worried but are clearly excited to chop each other’s heads off.
  11. Episode 8 The Threat
    The Challenge: Spies, Lies & Allies Recap: Feel The Bern-a I need a GIF of Amber unemotionally shouting “It’s his ass!” from the sidelines.
  12. Episode 7 Uncle CT
    The Challenge: Spies, Lies & Allies Recap: Whose Fault Is It Anyway? Is it the producers’ overreaction to a face-smushing that sparks Fessy’s Joker origin story?
  13. Episode 6 Alien
    The Challenge: Spies, Lies & Allies Recap: Amber Alert It’s that time in the season when players are making poor decisions seemingly out of pure boredom.
  14. Episode 5 Good Vibes and Gladiator
    The Challenge: Spies, Lies & Allies Recap: Give Me Nany, or Give Me Death Amber’s lack of champ behavior so far has been deeply disappointing and cringeworthy to watch. Act like the champion you are!
  15. Episode 4 Messy
    The Challenge: Spies, Lies & Allies Recap: Not My Big Brother’s Keeper What made Josh and Amber think they could trust evil mastermind Fessy?
  16. Episode 3 Truce or Dare
    The Challenge: Spies, Lies & Allies Recap: There Will Be Bloody Noses When it comes down to it, Tori is going to Tori, which means make baffling strategic moves.
  17. Episode 2 Bertha
    The Challenge: Spies, Lies & Allies Recap: Uncut Gems Fessy is sly, ruthless, and unpredictable. And we’re here for it.
  18. Episode 1 The List
    The Challenge: Spies, Lies & Allies Season Premiere Recap: Paper Trail More Mission Impossible cosplay, this time with Team Survivor bringing the entertainment that Team Big Brother has been severely lacking.
  1. Episode 19 The End of an Era Part 2
    The Challenge 40: Battle of the Eras Finale Recap: Nice Guys Finish First The final results are such an uncomfortable way to end the season. Who wants a win with an asterisk?
  2. Episode 18 The End of an Era Part I
    The Challenge 40: Battle of the Eras Recap: Best Day Ever Jenny has a meltdown at the worst possible moment.
  3. Episode 17 Location Change Era
    The Challenge 40: Battle of the Eras Recap: Blood in the Water The cast enters their villa-in era when they replace their castle in Vietnam with a beautiful villa in the Philippines.
  4. Episode 16 Must Win Era
    The Challenge 40: Battle of the Eras Recap: Have It Your Way A Whoppers-fueled episode propels us toward the endgame.
  5. Episode 15 Thinking Thin Era
    The Challenge 40: Battle of the Eras Recap: Send Me an Angel Not getting pummeled to death by Jenny is the best birthday gift Michele could have hoped for.
  6. Episode 14 Swinging Era
    The Challenge 40: Battle of the Eras Recap: Family Matters Josh goes through every emotion this week.
  7. Episode 13 Best Friends 4Era
    The Challenge 40: Battle of the Eras Recap: Who Let the Dogs Out? Bananas takes his feud with Michele past the point of no return.
  8. Episode 12 The Era of the Purge
    The Challenge 40: Battle of the Eras Recap: Running Up That Hill It’s an especially brutal episode for our challengers, who are not taking the ruthlessness particularly well.
  9. Episode 11 Payback Era
    The Challenge 40: Battle of the Eras Recap: Snakes and Ladders As fun as it is to watch Bananas’s evil plan at work, someone has to challenge him eventually.
  10. Episode 10 A New Era
    The Challenge 40: Battle of the Eras Recap: A House Divided Bananas gets drunk on power and throws the game into chaos.
  11. Episode 9 An Era of One
    The Challenge 40: Battle of the Eras Recap: Vacation Friends Teams are no more, and it’s officially an individual game. So why are we still doing targets?
  12. Episode 8 The Era of The Gladiator
    The Challenge 40: Battle of the Eras Recap: Are You Not Entertained? Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face … or smashed with a giant SWAT team shield.
  13. Episode 7 Trust In Your Era
    The Challenge 40: Battle of the Eras Recap: No Free Lunch It seems like Era I isn’t long for this world.
  14. Episode 6 My Real Friends Era
  15. Episode 5 An Era Tradition
    The Challenge 40: Battle of the Eras Recap: Carageddon The Challenge house will know no peace this week as confrontation after confrontation unfurls.
  16. Episode 4 My Trivia Era
    The Challenge 40: Battle of the Eras Recap: Tuesdays With C.T. We’re seeing some questionable strategic decisions getting made.
  17. Episode 3 A Fatal Era
    The Challenge 40: Battle of the Eras Recap: Agree to Disagree Whether it’s too gross or boring, too much in this episode is bordering on unwatchable.
  18. Episode 2 The Era Invitational: Part 2
    The Challenge 40: Battle of the Eras Recap: Crash Into Me Eliminating this many people so early majorly cuts down on our potential to have seasonlong beef.
  19. Episode 1 The Era Invitational: Part I
    The Challenge 40: Battle of the Eras Season-Premiere Recap: This Is 40 After 40 seasons, The Challenge goes on its own Eras Tour with a stacked cast of icons and up-and-comers.

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