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Mindy Kaling on the Joys of Working at NBC
“All the guys want to have sex with me all the time. Every day I come to work it’s nonstop sexual harassment. They had to have some people from General Electric come down and talk to us about it. There’s a lawsuit that’s about to happen. But other than that, it’s been great.” —The Office’s Mindy Kaling on being one of the show’s two female writers [Radar]
“Not answer that fucking question. That ain’t a good question because it’s so incriminating. Nothing personal, but fuck that question.” —Queens of the Stone Age’s Josh Homme, when asked to name the most “rock-star” thing he’s ever done [Rolling Stone]
“As I grew up, I hated what I was. I started wearing torn jeans, I didn’t shave … My publicist even put together a campaign to get me busted for drugs to dirty up my image. I almost went for it.” —Donny Osmond, who wished his image growing up was more than a little bit rock and roll [Starpulse]
“[He] sent the best Christmas cards, and for a Jew that’s not bad. One of the best was a picture of him with Ray Charles which read, ‘Gene Shalit and I want to wish you a Merry Christmas, Ray Charles.’” —ABC News anchor Charles Gibson, remembering his colleague Joel Siegel [NYP]
“I will do everything in my power to find out the exact reasoning for this and try to convince those responsible what a mistake it is. Of course, the words ‘my power’ might confuse my gentle readers into believing I have any.” —Joss Whedon to his fans after hearing that Fox shut down sing-along theatrical screenings of the show’s musical episode, “Once More, With Feeling” [Whedonesque via Sci Fi]
—Elizabeth Black