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Pharrell’s Metaphors Are Beyond Reproach

Photo: Getty Images

“It’s almost like this big gorilla looking down at you. If he smacks you, he kills you. His fingers are the size of your body. That’s kinda what we’re doing in N.E.R.D.” Pharrell Williams on N.E.R.D.’s new album [MTV]

“There was actually a period when I was trying — when I did Band Of Brothers. I thought, ‘Surely this will dispel some of that thing.’ But even after that one, I read a review or two that was like: ‘It’s Ross in the army!’ I basically threw my hands up. I was like ‘Okay, if you really think that’s the same character, then either you’re insane, or I’m just the worst actor that ever was.’” David Schwimmer on getting away from being Ross Geller [A.V. Club]

“Oh, they don’t drink in the NFL. I was shocked to hear. I couldn’t believe it. I was watching a Bud commercial at the time, I think.” George Clooney on the NFL’s refusal to allow Leatherheads to use the name of an old pro football team because there was drinking in the movie [AP via Yahoo]

“We are moving offices onto the Fox Studio Lot next week and we had to say goodbye to the offices that were our home for the past 3 years … not really that sad because, well, c’mon, it’s just a frickin’ building.” —Prison Break writer Nick Santora on being picked up for a fourth season [MySpace]

“This is, quite simply, untrue.” John Mayer, responding to the Post’s claims that he “Googles himself every morning, and has been known to respond to online rumors just to clear the air” [JohnMayer.com]

Pharrell’s Metaphors Are Beyond Reproach