apropos of nothing

R. Kelly Chooses This Opportune Moment to Promote New Album

Photo: FilmMagic

Fireworks may be expected in the courtroom at R. Kelly’s child-pornography trial today — but he’s not letting that stand in the way of the promotion of his upcoming album! “Freak Show,” the Scott Storch–produced purported second single from 12 Play: Fourth Quarter, due in July, hit the Internet a little while ago, and it’s currently rocketing around the blogosphere. It’s not bad — just an up-tempo club track about freakiness in clubs — but it’s no “Freaky in the Club” or anything; we don’t love it. But why leak it now and not, say, a month ago, when it would’ve had a better shot at airplay and tainting the jury pool?

R. Kelly — “Freak Show” [DJ MVB]

Earlier: Things Suddenly Not Looking So Great for R. Kelly

R. Kelly Chooses This Opportune Moment to Promote New Album