The last time we saw new footage from Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, we marveled at Warner Bros.’ astonishing ability to secure a PG rating for a film that will so obviously cause a worldwide epidemic of terrified pants shittings in theaters this July (even though the last two comparatively non-scary HP movies were PG-13). And now, with the release of another new trailer, we’ll do it again: This looks like nightmare fuel. Death Eaters! Fire! Noseless Ralph Fiennes! How many small, parental-guardianless children will Half-Blood Prince irreversibly scar this summer? Does WB — the same studio whose The Dark Knight inexplicably escaped with a PG-13 last summer — have compromising photos of the MPAA, or what? Anyway, this looks completely awesome.
Earlier: Japanese Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Trailer Good Enough to Be Rated PG-13