Remember when hapless, adorable Borat used to get sued for silly things like touching people on the street or making a mockery of driver’s education? Those were the days! TMZ reports today that a woman duped in next month’s Brüno is suing Sacha Baron Cohen for putting her in a wheelchair.
Thirty-seven-year-old Richelle Olson was the organizer of a 2007 Palmdale, California, charity bingo tournament that was ruined by an “extreme, outrageous, offensive caricature of a gay man dressed in sexually revealing clothing with an Austrian accent.” For reasons unclear, Baron Cohen, dressed as Brüno, was tasked with calling the tournament, and a mêlée broke out:
She then claims three cameramen and others rushed the stage … “where defendants attacked [her] for a period of one to five minutes to intentionally create a dramatic emotional response … while [they] recorded her humiliation and embarrassment.”
She then claims three cameramen and others rushed the stage … “where defendants attacked [her] for a period of one to five minutes to intentionally create a dramatic emotional response … while [they] recorded her humiliation and embarrassment.”
She then claims three cameramen and others rushed the stage … “where defendants attacked [her] for a period of one to five minutes to intentionally create a dramatic emotional response … while [they] recorded her humiliation and embarrassment.”
She then claims three cameramen and others rushed the stage … “where defendants attacked [her] for a period of one to five minutes to intentionally create a dramatic emotional response … while [they] recorded her humiliation and embarrassment.”
So, yeah, if any of this is actually true, it’s pretty awful. The part about the bingo-calling sounds funny, though.