“I’d be lying if I said that I haven’t walked around my apartment with a sock shoved down the front! All of a sudden, you just understand. You stand differently and it’s just like, yeah!” —Anne Hathaway on preparing for her role as a cross-dresser in Twelfth Night [Contact Music]
“Whenever you watch those scenes in films you always think, ‘That must be so sexy to do and wouldn’t that be amazing’. You wonder how those actors manage to control themselves. But when you’re doing it and you’ve got people watching you, there is nothing sexy about it at all. It is not in the least bit exciting, no matter how beautiful the girl is.” —Daniel Radcliffe on finally having disappointing sex onscreen [Female First]
“If i was EMENIM [sic] I would’ve swung on him … not kool. I love jokes but some dude’s ass in your face is a no no 4 me.” —Travis Barker on … Sacha Baron Cohen’s ass [MTV]
“I’m so stoked about it. I kept telling everyone, ‘I want to do an action film.’ But they were like, ‘Maybe in a few years.’ So I’m like, ‘Ha, in your face. I am doing one now!’” —Vanessa Hudgens is in Sucker Punch [Marc Malkin/E]
“Kanye West is the person pissing me off right now. I was at Stella McCartney’s fashion show with the vice president of PETA, Paul McCartney and Kanye. The entire time Kanye was going, ‘They need more fur in this show.’ He just wouldn’t shut up about how much he loved fur. I mean, he’s saying this to me, the PETA guy and Paul McCartney!” —Pink has a beef with Kanye West [Female First]
“I think he came to mind because the description of the role is his physical type — tall, gangly, dorky. He’s actually like that in real life more than he is his character in The Office, who’s more the everyman character. He’s quite puppyish and Tigger-like in real life.” —Sam Mendes on John Krasinski’s perfect soft-animal–like ways for the role of Burt in Away We Go [AV Club]