Over the weekend, on Michael Bay’s official website, a (since-removed) letter was posted from “three crew members that have worked with Michael,” blasting “dumb-as-a-rock” actress Megan Fox for comparing Bay to Hitler in an interview, being a terror on the set of Transformers 2, and generally parading around like an ill-bred hussy. A sample:
When facing the press, Megan is the queen of talking trailer trash and posing like a porn star. And yes we’ve had the unbearable time of watching her try to act on set, and yes, it’s very cringe-able. So maybe, being a porn star in the future might be a good career option. But make-up beware, she has a paragraph tattooed to her backside (probably due her rotten childhood) — easily another 45 minutes in the chair!
Delightful! So who’s responsible for this?
On Saturday night, the screed was pulled down (it’s still available here), and Michael Bay himself posted this response:
I don’t condone the crew letter to Megan. And I don’t condone Megan’s outlandish quotes. But her crazy quips are part of her crazy charm. The fact of the matter I still love working with her, and I know we still get along. I even expect more crazy quotes from her on Transformers 3. —Michael
But he must’ve condoned it — how does a 1,100-word rant insulting one of the top-billed stars of the Transformers franchise end up on Bay’s official site and sit there for almost 24 hours? Surely Bay’s webmaster knows better than to publish such an attack without permission, doesn’t he? And once the post went live, certainly it wouldn’t have taken a full Saturday for someone else under Bay’s employ to notice it, right?
Further arousing suspicion is the letter’s Bay-esque command of the English language and, as a DHD commenter points out, this line: “Say what you want about Michael … he simply wants people to bring their ‘A’ game” (fans of Bay’s interviews and leaked e-mails to Paramount will know that he uses the term “‘A’ game” pretty frequently).
Obviously we can’t say for sure, but come on — most likely, he (or, at the very least, someone working for him, with his full knowledge) posted this thing, left it up for a day, pulled it down, denounced it, blamed it on a miraculously still-employed webmaster, and expected to appear completely above the fray. And it worked! Clearly this man is a genius.
Michael Bay’s Crew Bitchslaps Megan Fox [DHD]
The Crew Letter [MichaelBay.com]