Faking It: Chris Pine will star in, and D.J. Caruso (Disturbia, Eagle Eye) will direct, The Art of Making Money, a drama adapted from Jason Kersten’s 2005 Rolling Stone article turned book. Pine will play Art Williams, a Chicago criminal who graduated from small-stakes theft to large-scale counterfeiting. Sounds cool, but since Caruso is untested as a director of films not starring Shia LaBeouf, he might want to learn to counterfeit box-office receipts. [Variety]
Catfight: British indie drama Satisfaction will star Sharon Stone and Rachel Carice Van Houten (Valkryie) and will revolve around a young gigolo in London caught between a manipulative older woman and a younger woman. Guess who plays who! [Variety]
Perry’s Back: Matthew Perry would star in, co-write, and exec-produce a new untitled multi-camera comedy that he’s pitching to networks this week. He’ll play the self-involved manager of a second-rate sports arena who begins to take a long, hard look at his life on his 40th birthday. We really hope someone picks this up, if only so that Perry’s post-Friends career won’t be best known for involving a bit part in a Zac Efron movie. [HR]
Reno on NBC: Reno 911’s Thomas Lennon and Robert Ben Garant have landed a new show at NBC, which will star Lennon and feature Garant in a small role; both will also executive-produce and write. Plot details are currently unknown, though we assume they’ll involve comically short shorts. [HR]
TV’s Don: Hilarious newspaper Weekly World News is coming to Hollywood, and Dreamworks is looking to create a show revolving around a few of its characters and stories. They include, most notably, Bat Boy, a kind of freakish do-gooder, as well as UFO Alien, a political pundit, the Lake Erie Monster (who apparently tried out for SNL last year), and Scooter, the world’s richest hamster. And that right there just writes itself. [HR]
More Freakiness: Young-adult book Freaky Monday, the sequel to the 1973 novel Freaky Friday, has been optioned by CBS Films. This time, a girl and her junior-high English teacher switch places. Lindsay Lohan comeback vehicle? [Variety]