Fock Her: Laura Dern has joined the cast of the latest Meet the Parents sequel, tentatively entitled Little Fockers. She’ll play the head mistress of the school the Focker children attend. Given her experience working with velociraptors and tyrannosaurus rexes, little Fockers should be no problem. [THR]
The Answer is Sex: New Line has snagged What Boys Want, a comedy from the writers of Step Up 3D, the first movie to combine the innovative arts of stepping and 3D. Teen star and Miley Cyrus foe Selena Gomez is attached to star in the story of a teenager who can hear what men are thinking, which could easily land this thing an NC-17 rating. [Variety]
Like a Rock: Rock of Ages, the Broadway musical of big hair and bigger ballads, is coming to the big screen with Hairspray director Adam Shankman slated to direct. The musical’s creator Chris D’Arienzo wrote the script, which is about a couple that falls in love to a soundtrack of so-bad-they’re-good 80s rock anthems. “I’m thinking big, and absolutely am going to attempt to cast with movie stars,” Shankman said. Can’t wait to see Zac Efron as metal head. [Variety]
Mom Power: Mia Hamm is making the jump from the pitch to the producer’s chair for the fllm adaptation of Alive and Kicking: When Soccer Moms Take the Field, a book by New York Times sportswriter Harvey Araton. The story follows a women’s soccer team formed by a group of mothers fed up with life as passive spectators. So they switch places with their children and the moms take the field while the kids turn into the ravenous, screaming fans. [Variety]
Modern Times: Columbia Pictures has signed a first look deal with the New York Times “Modern Love” column. The company is expected to mine the column for the type of scripts about upper class white people that Hollywood can never seem to find. They’ll be giving Bradley Cooper lots of work. [Variety]