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Michael Mann to Make War Photography Exciting

Tip of the Capa: Michael Mann will produce a Robert Capa biopic for Columbia based on the Spanish novel Waiting for Robert Capa; Jez Butterworth, who co-wrote the upcoming Valerie Plame movie Fair Game, will adapt the book. The project will focus primarily on Capa’s relationship with fellow war photographer Gerda Taro during the Spanish Civil War, where Capa made his name. This is sounding like the most promising photography-based film since, uh … give us a second … [Variety]

Neeson In: Liam Neeson is joining The Next Three Days, the Paul Haggis–directed, Russell Crowe-Elizabeth Banks–starring thriller about a husband attempting to break his wrongfully imprisoned wife out of prison. Neeson plays an ex-con recruited by Crowe’s character to help out with the escape. The movie actually started shooting on Friday, but Neeson just signed on now because his contract was misplaced under a stack of old Marmaduke cartoons, we presume. [Variety]

Horsing Around: Former presidential candidate and New York City D.A. Fred Thompson has joined the cast of Secretariat, the Diane Lane feature about the legendary horse and its owner. He’ll play master breeder and horse-racing league president Bull Hancock. Also coming onboard is Kevin Connolly as a sportswriter, but he has no legal background and he’s never debated Ron Paul, so he gets second billing. [HR]

Mother, Mother: Rachel Bilson will make a cameo on the 100th episode of How I Met Your Mother, airing in January. According to exec-producer Craig Thomas: “It’ll be the closest Ted’s ever come to [discovering who she is]. He’s getting a step closer every episode this season, and episode 100 [we] kind of go bananas with it.” Spoiler alert! It’s not Rachel Bilson. [EW]

Looky Looky: Starz will air three movies based on Canadian author Bernice Thurman Hunter’s Booky series in December: Booky Makes Her Mark, Booky and the Secret Santa, and Booky’s Crush. We’re surely trampling on the sacred childhood memories of a whole nation here, but we’ve never heard of, nor do we care about, this Booky character. [Variety]

Developing: Mitch Hurwitz is now writing the script for the Arrested Development movie! Yes, we know, that’s what every story on the project has claimed for the last year at least, but now that all the principal cast members are confirmed, it’s actually true, according to The Hollywood Reporter. The report even suggests that production would start in the spring. Nobody on the AD cast go getting more famous between now and then, you hear? [HR]

Michael Mann to Make War Photography Exciting