Director Guillermo Del Toro will put himself in his MGM Hobbit epic, but in a classy Alfred Hitchcock sort of way, not in a showy M. Night Shyamalan way. In an interview with German television to hype The Strain, his new vampire book, the director revealed that he will play one of the monsters in the film but not an important one.
Del Toro might have gotten the itch to don one of the costumes because he invested so much personal energy in the monster design process, emphasizing the importance of the monsters’ appearance within the overall mission of the film.
In The Hobbit, the creatures speak: Smaug has beautiful lines of dialogue; the Great Goblin has beautiful lines of dialogue; many creatures do. So we had to design them with a different approach because you are not just designing things that are scary. I also wanted some of the monsters in The Hobbit to be majestic. I wanted the Wargs to have a certain beauty so that you don’t have a massively clear definition: what is beautiful is good and what is ugly is not. Some of the monsters are absolutely gorgeous.
Guillermo Del Toro Gives Himself a Monstrous Role in The Hobbit [/Film]