trailer mix

Prince of Persia Trailer: Like Sand Through the Hourglass

When we first took note of Jake Gyllenhaal, way back in 1999’s October Sky, we never even dreamed that his career path would one day incorporate a “major action hero” phase. After all, his roles in Donnie Darko and Bubble Boy had us convinced that he would be able to consistently play various archetypes of social outcasts for years and years to come. But then, somewhere around the middle of the aughts, he must’ve discovered creatine, for he went from skinny and awkward to buff and confident in what seemed like a matter of weeks. And now, with Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, which is based on — wouldn’t you know it? — a popular series of video games, Disney is attempting to turn him into a full-fledged action star and leader of a brand-new franchise. It’s hard to gauge of how convincing his work as a warrior swordsman is from this trailer alone, which employs a lot of the digitally enhanced “magic hour” look of 300 and more quick cuts than you can shake a stick at, but we do know this: When you’ve got a highly salable asset like Gyllenhaal’s abs in your film, you’re certainly making a marketing mistake by hiding them underneath layers of chain mail.

Prince Of Persia Trailer: First Look At Jake Gyllenhaal As Disney’s Action Hero (VIDEO) [HuffPo]

Prince of Persia Trailer: Like Sand Through the Hourglass